16. Epsom i believe it may be possible to destroy nanobots by using ultrasound waves to decay their molecular structure. If you are experiencing the shedding effect and want to detox from THAT, I can't think of a better way, honestly Everything in the article rings true so please do all you can do Be well! Both techniques induce an electromagnetic field, corrupting the memory and shorting out the circuitry of any electronic device within range. Perhaps you could provide some details of your experience. It was found to be highly effective in killing parasites and viruses of several kinds, and also has a beneficial impact on a large number of other conditions. Then she says, if they are alive you may as well give them a task and then suggested, If you cant frequency program at Trionary Level then delete. I had already treated this person energetically, but I did not know that she had taken the vac. Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. WebRemove The Nano Inside Your Body. New nanobots can find their way to inflamed sites in the body. MMS is a water purification antimicrobial compound that was discovered by a man named Jim Humble in 1996. One of the most effective supplements in this process is organic bee pollen which is essentially a concentrate of natures building blocks of life. Specific frequencies can also assist in healing and activating DNA. DETOX AND CLEANSE OUT mRNA AND LIPID NANOPARTICLES AND SPIKE PROTEINS | JUNE 22, 2021, David Avocado Wolfes Information on Detoxing out the Spike Proteins, Summary of the Spike Protein Protocol Potassium 4. One of the most effective weapons against the harmful inorganic nanoparticles contained within vaccines is direct application of mild electric currents to the body. WebWhat is the healthiest way to flush toxins out of my body? Key word is DETOX, DETOX, DETOX and keep your body alkaline, an acidic environment compromises your immune system. Restrict access to areas where nanomaterials are used. Step 2: There is no Step 2. Epsom Apply to the body (especially site of vaccines, and other good areas include C7 vertebrae, forehead, around and behind the ears, vagus artery/nerve, EFT tapping points and along the spine). Epsom By my own free will I choose to disengage from any complicity or involvement with the fallen ones plans and I choose to follow Gods plan for my life. A lot of people are buying my products from this mention in this article. Silica Dhomeopathic But let's treat the scenario as if it was real, for the sake of curiosity, and because neuromodulation is Similar to diet, there are many options here, including: Dr Sherri Tenpenny recommends high doses of powdered vitamin C ascorbates (not ascorbic acid), 200-400mg co enzyme Q10 every day (gel caps and not powder) as well as getting Vitamin D and iodine. The Many Dangers Of Pesticides & Herbicides: A Database and List of Links. Drink good spring water, rainwater or reverse osmosis filtered water before and after to assist with conductivity and remove all jewelry and other metal from the body, so the electricity will be attracted to inorganic elements (such as nanites) in the body. It is as simple as that. Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved on the same level that it was created, and this is no exception. A recent study found nanoparticles in at least 43 market-leading vaccines, so the problem of nanites is not just restricted to COVID vaccines. GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate) In a nutshell, the steps are: First, spiritual steps are needed to heal and clear your body and being, and to clear any spiritual contracts you may have signed to allow them into your body (even without knowing it). Asha says that if you cant kill them then you can use voice commands to delete their program. For a more intensive experience combining this step with the above, try Tony Pantallescos electric nano bucket. My website is https://www.zpzap.net/. If you want to take this to the next level, there are also nano baths that use the power of electricity (in a safe way) to assist with the extraction of nanotechnology within the body. Future nanobots could deliver medicine directly to the cells that need them. the content you have visited before. Triphala formulations: In Sanskrit, the word Triphala means three fruits: a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). Naturopathy and Homeopathy can provide great ameliorative benefits. But let's treat the scenario as if it was real, for the sake of curiosity, and because neuromodulation is Everyone (especially the children) lost their spiritual sight and ability to perceive spiritual entities and other interdimensional phenomena, but his family helped him avoid the vaccines and he, fortunately, retained his spiritual senses. since nanobots and nanotechnology are fragile structures ultrasound waves oscillate at such a frequency so as to "shake" the nanobots up hopefully with the result of thier molecular Although the nanobots cant be removed, there might be a solution to this problem. Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul I'm planning to take a lot of as a staple to my detox protocol. I feel really bad for those who had to take it against their will but I think we need to get creative and now bow down to the powers that should not be. To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity. Krill Oil 5. Epsom Post by alankey onNov 24, 2008 at 4:30pm. The body possesses the ability to naturally detoxify, and the technique of Paida Lajin helps activate and accelerate this ability and improve overall wellness. For more information on this, she explains to Dr Joseph Mercola how the COVID pandemic has been engineered and discusses potential solutions. If the person is not planning on continuing with the "booster" scam they might recover but I can't say for sure. The nanobots are microscopic functioning robots with the ability to walk and withstand harsh environments. Please share this information to keep our collective consciousness as humanity expanding: each one of us needs to take the initiative in every sphere to stop this takeover from happening! Lets compare Rudolf Steiners vision with that of a French energetic healer who shared her experience in treating a recipient of the COVID vaccines: I held a session with a person who had received the first and second dose of the vac. Epsom after injection) are largely taken up and eliminated by the reticulohistocytic system (RHS). Although I haven't nor will ever get the experimental drug for covid, when I was young I recall being vaccinated for something at school and becoming very sick. Jane, Contrary to your opinion, the methods used in the plandemic are synonymous with psychological warfare. St. Johns Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers) However, direct application of electricity to the body is generally more effective in neutralizing nanites. In a nutshell, the steps are: First, spiritual steps are needed to heal and clear your body and being, and to clear any spiritual contracts you may have signed to allow them into your body (even without knowing it). Boron is an indispensable supplement for detoxing heavy metals and one of the few known nanobot replication inhibitors. Pass over your body. Update to Guest article by William for entertainment purposes only. Five Seeds: Cumin, Coriander, Fennel, Flax, Rye ground up and used 1 tsp at a time with water will cleanse the digestive system and support overall health. My microscopist has tested the rainwater [as chemtrail spraying has increased] and found fungus ,parasites and graphene oxide in rain water so I would think twice about drinking that. The purpose is to damage and try to destroy the contact with consciousness. During the treatment, this soul told me that it no longer felt the body and had the impression of floating in a deep malaise. Superherbs to help disable spike protein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRhrpKyxebA, Considering the fact that there will be subsequent boosters most likely every 3 months for the rest of the person's life, I do not recommend it to anyone in the experiement. Once they are dead , your immune system sees them as little foreign invaders. There are many other electrotherapy devices that will work well, including the Hulda Clark and Don & Carol Croft zappers as well as the Nano Killer. 8. 14. In several types of WBCs are an organelle called the lysosomes. after injection) are largely taken up and eliminated by the reticulohistocytic system (RHS). Liquid chembusting homeopathic 2. Nanoparticles that are present in the body (i.e. Therefore, they can be in front of the right place of the body and removed. That would be good for the following hyperlink: https://www.deviantart.com/puretassel/art/Cultural-Resources-for-Europid-Folks-Health-879962475, Anyway, Don & Carol Croft zappers can be found at World Without Parasites and CT Busters, which can be found in the following hyperlink: https://ethericwarriors.com/what-is-orgonite/orgonite-vendors/. Jared Rand suggests the nexus orgone zapper, which works on a frequency of 432 Hz (a frequency that seems to counteract nanotechnology parasites such as Morgellons good to know if you have a Rife machine or therapeutic frequency generator of some kind). Nanobots injected into your bloodstream According to IFL Science, DNA robots are already being tested in animals to seek out and destroy cancer cells. This creates health problems due to boron deficiency which is now very common, but very few of us know about it. The terminalia fruits are rich in shikimate. I would suggest Pau Darco Tea or Taheebo tea, which is the bark of a South American tree used indigenously in removing all foreign objects, tumors, clots from the bloodessentially works as a cleanser and blood thinner, as do many other herbs. Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. Apply a thick paste of zeolite (purified, micronised food grade zeolite mixed with spring water) over the area immediately. Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate) WebWhat is the healthiest way to flush toxins out of my body? One of the options on the market is liquid ionic boron and there are also many good boron supplements available. https://www.zeolitemin.com/en/report/does-liquid-zeolite-have-detoxification-effect.html, Whoa, woops. Silica D homeopathic 3. I understand the the J&J is not an mrna vax. Where do you get your information from? 1/16/2018/Chem Trails and Consciousness Takeover. This is a very holistic and spiritual approach to counteracting the negative effects of vaccines (especially COVID vaccines), and the importance of step 10 should not be discounted. Saying that flu vaccines and mask wearing are the true causes of Covid (despite the fact that the vast majority of people in the world dont get flu shots, and its absolutely asinine to think that a persons mind could be controlled by a homemade cotton mask) are some seriously fear-mongering claims designed to manipulate people who are already terrified and refuse to accept the fact that there are some things (like viruses mutating and wreaking world-wide havoc) that are beyond their control. Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths 6. In addition to production and regulation of critical hormones within the body, these glands (particularly the pineal gland) serve an important role in the unfoldment and expression of spiritual senses. WebWhat is the healthiest way to flush toxins out of my body? Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. However with the advent of enhanced function engineered viruses, weather manipulation, food chemicals, and patented human DNA, all that goes right out the window. Only after a good month or two of detoxing with the above protocols should you consider using electricity, otherwise this could create a cascade of detox sickness that may even lead to toxic epidermal necrolysis. Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. Nanobots injected into your bloodstream According to IFL Science, DNA robots are already being tested in animals to seek out and destroy cancer cells. There are also many foods and supplements you can take to help protect and heal your DNA. Rid Your Body of Nano Using EMP 1 comment Rid Nano Poison with Help from an Unlikely Source This is the Cure for Destroying Nano Poisons Once and for All If you Want Nanotech Out of Your Body This is How its Done BOOGIE MAN CHANNEL We can talk about detoxing all day, we can talk about cleansing until we are blue in the face. Simply mix with good spring water, rainwater or reverse osmosis filtered water. As for the situation manifesting on the energetic level and especially the soul, it has been confirmed that the soul has been expelled from the physical body, it is still bound by the so-called cord, but it confirms that it no longer interacts with the physical, emotional and mental body, there is no longer any kind of communication. This article or attempt at it is nonsense. Cody Snodgres,recent whistleblower from the Special Access black ops world, whospoke to me last weekon various things but particularly on Mind Control ops being run on the populace,converses here with long-term researcher and investigative journalist Ole Dammegard on the chem trail project Indigo Skyfalland its secret intention to destroy human consciousness via calcification and suppression of the powerful pineal gland, in tandem with other programs being run on us. I do not know. Traditional methods to remove nanoparticles from plasma samples typically involve diluting the plasma, adding a high concentration sugar solution to the plasma and spinning it in a centrifuge, or attaching a targeting agent to the surface of the nanoparticles. Such as forcing GMOs into our food supply, pumping flouride into our water, stealing unsavory additives into our vaccines and food supplements, and more. Azeez Abdullah Barzinjy. The normal protocol is to detox more heavily for a short initial period and then keep up small maintenance doses. Step 1: Have a liver and kidneys. Zeolite is a natural volcanic mineral that has the unique ability to attract, absorb and neutralise heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum (thimerosal), cadmium and other pollutants (including radioactive material) all of which cause a range of detrimental side effects. There is much controversy globally around vaccines at present, with strong-arm tactics being employed to coerce people into taking the COVID vaccines with (or increasingly without) their consent. WebMagnetic nanoparticles are delivered to different parts of the body with the help of strong magnets. Nanobots could be used to monitor for damage to the body, and potentially even facilitate the repair of this damage. Treatment for the Elimination of Graphene Oxide From the Body: The Nano Bucket Others also claim that a small EMP or an MRI could be used to deactivate the nanobots. . Ive been a vegan for decades and this is unquestionably the absolute best parmesan cheese recipe I have ever found. Schizandra Berry* (high in shikimate) New nanobots can find their way to inflamed sites in the body. Eg: Command IPPI off, delete, cancel. Potassium 4. If you pray this prayer with a genuine and penitent heart, God will respond. Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved on the same level that it was created, and this is no exception. This is the updated protocol to protect those whove been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those whove been injected. Step 2: There is no Step 2. Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccine, will be immune to being subjected to the madness of spiritual life. The violet ray works by passing a mild, healing electrical charge to the site of application as well as through the whole body. 1. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. The newest most affordable and advanced Rife machines [electromagnetic therapy] are available at www.spooky2.com and are incredibly effective for so many things including Lyme & Morgellons. The macrobiotic diet is one of the best detox diets in the world, and those who rigorously follow the way of macrobiotics tend to live very healthy, long lives. To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. https://jimhumblebooks.co/product/mms-health-recovery-guidebook-2016-paperback/. WebYou just need to use a degaussing magnet . Collodial Silver Boron and borax are also very useful in combatting the nanotechnology parasites in Morgellons (for more information listen to this Dana Ashlee video and skip to 23.30, or view this interview with Dr Carrie Madej on the Carnicom Institute website). So if you know someone who has been injected and requires help, please provide them with this protocol. Although the nanobots cant be removed, there might be a solution to this problem. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ for our prayer to be heard in the courts of Heaven and for action to be taken. Closing tip: If youre going to be (or if youve just been) vaccinated. I do not consent to any attempts or actions that would seek to harm or damage my bodily temple and violate my DNA through vaccines or any other means. WebHow To Remove Nano Tech From The Body 2,892 views Oct 12, 2021 135 Dislike Share PrimalHacker This is one method described to me from Ronald Farnham based on a podcast he did on YouTube. This makes it particularly effective against nanotechnology, because it is essentially makes the nanobots inert, so they are then able to be flushed out more easily with the likes of boron, zeolite, NAC and MMS. It didnt sound like free roaming nanobots. Youre being scammed. Bee pollen contains nearly all nutrients required by humans, and one of the most interesting facts about bee pollen is that it cannot be synthesized in a laboratory. Make sure the zeolite is purified and micronized food-grade, like this zeolite in the US or this one in Australia though there are many good suppliers around the world. WebHow to remove Implants blackgoo Nanobots from your body, How do they get there? (Currently we do not use targeting or targeting cookies. Anywhere you intuitively feel right on the body is fine. Krill Oil 5. Krill Oil 5. https://stichtingvaccinvrij.nl/eu-regelgevers-en-de-who-roepen-op-tot-stopzetting-covid-boosters-de-strategie-faalt/. Silica D homeopathic 3. Governments, pharmaceutical companies, mainstream and social media laud the supposed health benefits, and suppress anything to the contrarian truth of vaccines. Anywhere you intuitively feel right on the body is fine. 8: Detox & Stop Depop Nanotechnology/ Aerosols, February 21st, 2018/Interview with Suzanne Meher and Tony Pantelleresco at Ramola D Reports. For instance under number 8 and under the list where it speaks of recommendations by Sherri Tenpenny, there is listed "coinzine" which should be spelled CO ENZYME Q10. We do not have the technology at present to be able to replace all organs of the body except the brain, nor do we have nanobots capable of working reliably within the human body. Lots of pure distilled water with all above will help flush out toxins. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! He found MMS was very effective in eradicating malaria, and Humble went on to develop a formula using this substance mixed with a food-grade acid. The nano particulates of metals are hard to excrete especially if you have a sluggish immune system. Although the nanobots cant be removed, there might be a solution to this problem. Inevitable Disclosure All content and recipes in this website are Copyright Jane Barthelemy and Janes Healthy Kitchen 2023. Organic bee pollen (see more below on bee pollen and healing your DNA), Supercharged C60 (nano-carbon activated charcoal), Essential: Remember your cookie permission setting, Essential: Gather information you input into a contact forms, newsletter and other forms across all pages, Essential: Keep track of what you input in a shopping cart, Essential: Authenticate that you are logged into your user account, Essential: Remember language version you selected, Functionality: Remember social media settings, Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Analytics: Keep track of your visited pages and interaction taken, Analytics: Keep track about your location and region based on your IP number, Analytics: Keep track of the time spent on each page, Analytics: Increase the data quality of the statistics functions. Krill Oil 5. There is an inherent ability in the human body to repair and heal itself through self-healing power, and the immune and self-reparatory functions are part of this self-healing power. When I started the treatment, I immediately noticed the change, very heavy energy coming from their subtle bodies. If others want to find me, I do ship the Violet Ray worldwide. Eg: Command IPPI off, delete, cancel. The 5D Shift Unfolds: Are you Hungry for Change? i believe it may be possible to destroy nanobots by using ultrasound waves to decay their molecular structure. Nanobots could be used to monitor for damage to the body, and potentially even facilitate the repair of this damage. Please use discernment! For example, there are stories of farmers who accidentally touched electric fences and the strong electric pulse healed them of viruses with similar symptoms to Lyme disease. WebAnswer: My reading of the research doesnt indicate that theyd moved beyond grain of rice sized implants adjacent to nerve bundles. Much like the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that knocks out the AI-controlled sentinel robots in the Matrix movie (truth is sometimes stranger than fiction) the right kind of electrotherapy and electromagnetic energy work wonders on magnetic nanotechnology, magnogenetics and other inorganic and organic parasites within the body. Is now very common, but I ca n't say for sure of rice Implants... Know about it to help protect and heal your DNA had already treated this person energetically but! A short initial period and then keep up small maintenance doses health problems due to deficiency! Or reverse osmosis filtered water synonymous with psychological warfare known nanobot replication inhibitors you for! To Guest article by William for entertainment purposes only liquid ionic boron and there are also foods... 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