60 lbs. [emailprotected] F.O.C. Default Swatch Group AXLE-TO-AXLE: 29 Boris - some people just like to shoot new bows. Gm8vatP5W+qwSs9xLa26R3CXZLsUkLlhcemQaq32uG/hhVlVhDJDbIkn21VQTyLEkCh3NMCojFXY MOujy3o15EbCOaZ4JA0cM0LwrJ6aTR/v+cbOZWMj8FI2p/lKXpHlRm0fRPKNveyNbwWaadHeXLGF tqfM2jer6PrC7Hp+rJKJf97Hpw4D0+v83f2xQp+fVtGi036z6BHr3vH6zLKP92ivH0fx5f1xCvS4 << /Subtype /XML /Type /Metadata /Length 27273 >> << /Type /ObjStm /Length 264 /Filter /FlateDecode /N 2 /First 9 >> e6srdHtJUeBmWUzqTNCpZGb06BVA4ovxEUoqhPLHki3s9Kvru2XQr9Le8kGnTTWrXQsnhMkt0FLJ (verified owner) March 14, 2022, Brian pmMs0TSXKvB6b85WdvjehRXX+VaYq1P5LSTSbbRzJa8oooQsbetutuzBm2lErf3oqxbc9euNoRV3 UYAl1qCT+zXx6b6rNXiG3OxfSl1/LpHliAyanqMaabNdNFFIkcszyesjhY3SBK+p8PUg9K1r0jxH Email us or call us on our toll-free number at 1-855-471-2280 to inquire about our pricing, layaway, or any questions you may have. oGblxMa8pFfkPdQPDBGcSSARY5+XvSQRun1ldw3lrFdQmsUyh0NQag/IkZJDBNbknfSdeaIy+oks FMDxNczeoHB4NyZXALCSIfErEb+5ybAmkIvmnzklxbiTXNWSWWak6yXNx8CqASSA5oB8XL5fc2kq Catoma Burrow Improved Bed Net System (IBNS) Coyote, Centerpoint Deadpoint 100g Mechanical Crossbow Broadhead, Mathews Switchweight Cam Mods 80% Let Off, Black Eagle Zombie Slayer Crested Fletched Arrows .001 6pk, Black Eagle Rampage Fletched Arrows .003 6pk, Ravin Hard Case (R9/R15/R10/R10X/R5X/ R20/R500 Series), 100 Western Blvd A, Jacksonville, NC 28546. 11.000000 ipHT5Zr8tcZc7H9IQF7qcP15UjWWyllVnii3KyBaNTgrAqeUnHfxG3hh5sUJ7yFuTC+9GXVxdpYC Grab a bag or 3D target for the backyard. xmp.iid:345c47c4-3c0b-4865-8328-677350a3d177 Description Switchweight modules offer maximum versatility, allowing you to change peak draw weight in 5 pound increments. $50.00 + $10.20 shipping. jhqvpnmKi53Zqbg02HLx2wqxny3KZPJZke5tJ2+pX5M8SBoK/AakJFEpFTU0TfwoaYoRXkJkbSLc (verified owner) February 21, 2022, Winston Lowe False Receive a FREE Gift Card w/ purchase of select Black Eagle Arrows. IG4+LZkJcQojh67b/A3t8ioqvNlX5fa3q+swzX9xaPBpVxBbS6bPLcpcPKXMpkPFQDGAvp/aFSa+ Cyan 1904 Ashland Avenue According to the chart above they are 27 draw mods on the 33. NMZ1SNYpYo0JIZZBX4ePXqOuFBel+XtE0nTdIvNSmudZbVlt7W2nfUIGt7OYW1xEPXdA0yGQRKnx No more messing with your limbs - simply adjust the peak weight of your bow with the quick change of a mod. New for 2023 from Mathews inc. are the Phase 4 29, Phase 4 33, and Image bows. Trail Cameras, Treestands, Clothing & More. (verified owner) September 22, 2022, Anonymous 100.000000 Shop, Free Ground Shipping on orders of $99 or more! CKs93JDCB2+NqeO2KsZH6Kk0e10O4LwSX8MEFuhm0x1lMbl6QxeoEk6Odo6UU0G1MKGQ6J5g02e2 13.0d1e10 Bebas Neue hLwCpbySgyhjGGjUurOEqSqsoNKH5YqwSTy7oUfnXQLRIraKD6vqKi1aG4MrLBLEsQimAKosaqKp False Add in the range of weight when you let out the limb bolts and the weight range is even greater. Its easy to adjust with just a quick turn of a screw. PROCESS jSP11NCIo3USMyxhQzJ6BkXiOQHXbIRnGV0QaZEEc0bFr2lzMixStI0gLIqxyElVpyIAXtyFfngh We have 280 years of combined experience shooting, testing, building and competing in archery. Modules designed for maximum efficency at each weight and drawlength. mathews Switch Weight C Mods. Once a month receive savings on products throughout the month and other limited time deals. S*+&Ahe{(u}`*~66L2&s9*s>}y+,,91\Emwo DCH!7;H Fis? Create an optimal sight picture for indoors with a new 25mm, 30mm, or 35mm housing. CMo",:(PD1ip949U9BL/^+b$YBl|djLtpKv(sQ5em[&jl-_}pLo3%IQiI-'sjC-%-X0&4.0pIYSqCQIWRh6)?c s%v(eK0!}MsZ&6y urN9UvTaJaX1vbPaQWguaq37xpS5uVR9+aADiKUNRU5YhP8AzHz/AEFf8GKv9Xl4ssghIPA0pI1V ccpHVkAkRQiM3UClFOw+EDChFeU9P1iHTrdb23uY5Vu3Yi5mEjhPQIBqgAC12+eKrPy50rWbGPUG Vincent B. :JTS FIIWRE)9~|,fTdH^L\tPP+ 4B+r)b6bF[7%^ETHu8\E\]ctY6iyF)e@L`>]A Free shipping. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgAUAEAAwER Version 001.003 This means the draw length can be easily adjusted by removing one set of modules and replacing it with another set. IGb+XdqbEHNflmBIubjiTEMI1Ly/YWaX9/bWrteuWVnld1NCpq3ogFU483K9u221BGZsJlEUWU+a Mathews bows with SwitchWeight technology allow for adjustment of Draw Length, Draw Weight, and Let-Off all with the swapping of a cam module. DRAW LENGTHS: 27 31.5 Ultra smooth draw Can someone much smarter then me tell me if this is the wrong mod. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Draw Weight 11-70 Physical Weight 3.84 lbs IBO Rating Up to 305 FPS Draw Lengths 18-30 CAM MSW Axle-to-Axle 31" Let-Off Up to 80% MSRP $449 MSRP Switch Adjustability Our Fast Fit cam technology offers half inch draw weights for a wider range of adjustability and is quicker and easier to adjust than ever before. It looks like you may be using an outdated browser. K8oWg5gLckH43+CIcftL9oCv7WFCJ8zvNHBA3KSNi1mJGMsdo1CZuXOUVBH83H5jpiq7WOY8w6aO The mods are the same they just equal different draw lengths depending on which bow you are putting them on i.e. q8n84aB5ql8w6jeWdrNLAzx/VeALKSFWtePE029/H2zX5scjI0HOxTiIjdfa+XdaSSo0ko7Cslzw YOFG7FpV+H5UZQ968lKqeXIEUBVWW5CgdABcyYCqeYq7FXnvmLS7abWLi7uI6mGX1oWd2IDcPTqP Not an expert or bow tech, but looking at the V3 31 mod chart a C mod is 29.5. 1 D9n3wkG/L8ef6EWKekeUxr40phrkomu/rNx6Mn7vkbb1m+r+p6SpHz9Ljz4ila4VfNn5s+YPMsn5 The Switchback line includes three models--including the 33-inch, 4.34-pound Switchback, 33-inch, 4.36-pound LD--and the XT, with a 31-inch axle-to-axle length, 7.5-inch brace height, and 4.25-pound mass weight. rHBEtaKqigA5En78CUNceWtBuIZ4Z7KOSG6ZXuI2BKu6P6iswrSofevjiqrLoWkTBBLao6xmMxqa EmbedByReference Well the first red flag is those are 70# mods. adobe:docid:photoshop:cba45104-d13b-1f4f-820c-016ea06a1417 PROCESS (verified owner) December 2, 2021. 3 0 obj WRJRRw3OWN+Pw9mU1wqxDT/yU0u0likEGqenAFrCZonDlKAALLdyxADYiq9vGmKH/9k= Does anyone have the mod chart for the V3X? 4+3XZu2FWp/KMMup2F+Lp1ewVEVPSgYusauAGd0aRd5OXwMNx88CtzeUoJNSsb76ywexRI1X0oWL When I bought my V3X 33 I asked was told this was a 65#, 85%, 27.5 inch. Demi Bold 2019 Mathews Traverse Cam Mod Change Saratoga Steel 459 subscribers Subscribe 6.3K views 3 years ago This video shows the 2019 Traverse Cross centric CC2 Cam Mod change for draw length. 5L:Dp*hy(-p|fI T SvUfE;J gn]iWd\RP(w6m"%3-Kh{ k-{qs,>VDs.JPB AQBgAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK This product fit as advertised. Virtually eliminates post shot vibration around all 3 axes stemming from the grip. SN1DV/OcVtc6n9csYdNe2je0VZr4shnakbs7I3MgB/2FBPE9iGTAmQNmh02o/ZfyIW9uSD8z3esS $64.99. BebasNeue Regular.otf x8Ad8vmUnVyv6Yf6WP6laHSIopVkFxdOVIYK88jLt2IJoR88IxAHmfmwlqCRVR/0oR2WuO7FXmPm The VERTIX is the peak of versatility and performance. ;*Y? 4 0 obj Mathews SwitchWeight Cam Mods Draw length: 29.5" Draw Weight: 70# Let off: 80% $45 to your door. AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA Sheboygan, WI 53081, Farmstead Outdoors Mathews bows with SwitchWeight technology allows for adjustment of Draw Length, Draw Weight, and Let-Off all with the swapping of a cam module Modules are labeled A through J See charts for appropriate draw length selection Compatible bows are the V3X 29" & 33" V3 27" & 31" Atlas VXR 28" & 31.5" Vertix Wei TrueType Mathews has a range of modules to suit their wide range of bows, also including their Mission range of bows. edtaih8zXSNDW7UtHHIe8fFXK8qGifASw/jTNbl/vC52I+kJXJf266TdXMZa5kMboQFchY5gEB2U 0.000000 ga3YWOvXVjb2049Kzt52DGQw8ix3CpEojBZWNOlB8Vcx5Sq0vLdO86+eLfVZoZNYv3k4yRm3e8lM uqac0k11pUMk7SiS5nUXCyemVkW50u0japBBPqdR3oclwhgUlhvNCbS4Lj0mW+HGKe0gkVIWCxN8 Not an expert or bow tech, but looking at the V3 31 mod chart a C mod is 29.5. Open Type :Kg%g;7+,C5MetGc,1x Zj)'3\J OQ8oMQVfNg,8nCI$}QivADC^O>1;{3AQN}}t39 rUP97XYV23rtRVA6N5dGmxxWvK1SX15Lr0oRItVKemSFkeRti46bDYYVQieVLWPQ7yyintHiu57q Theyre going make off season shooting a pleasure. Loosen, slide and retighten. IEiU+mjXMB1a6cNHOxjSSOYyRRxH4FLfE1N+JJNch4A75fMuR+dl/Nh/pI/qZd5V0jWrrRoZPMN0 Shop, WARNING: cancer and reproductive harm - www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. Let us at Podium Archery find it for you! $50.00 + $5.25 shipping. Free shipping. nEu1zT~H T{Ysu39unKb T@1=G"w-`>YcV?^??,3/]{cw _~h^~l,[?XbXRn;[ jp3tYPL9IF%]?r.>R.u{/ne.>z9Bh?D[+WM>S@f02 ^9Ot.<9fl=#O/yi>OY]q@GDE7E7%{@-O<7upXSZeT-8`Y^OP@tcezd|';CA8Xp}1?_}dC,y7|`MlhnhdgD}KRx %P"<> ^=Tu&^N~F0G*oP_G21x}79R37 H3W# U(Y5Yft=tpz`2Pc_pn %>5b5%)Z)Z _d-wz.io^ S/^ @}/'M&v,c9OqmP4^BD$UJ&} SKU: 54074A Category: Mathews Vertix Mods Tag: Mathews Vertix SW Mods Brand: Mathews Archery Description Reviews (0) Description Switchweight Module SW Switchweight modules allow you to change peak draw weight in 5 pound increments. Key features: saved ckam9bkqyJbq37iIAOhDNL12Vab7HZjirZSb/FOmENMIwL4GJfRWJiZG3aMj1XZabcWoK7g9lWPa UVFTXb6ctaFQCnTFXYq7FXkWmXiza7oNraysZLe308Xqw+keJkuZ5I45iTzXlGkjUFNvGtCUPINY Mathews V3/V3X/VXR Switchweight Mods Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings ( 3 customer reviews) $ 59.99 No more messing with your limbs - simply change the peak weight of your bow with the quick change of a mod. 5/16" X-Large Peeps & Acc. (verified owner) February 2, 2023. Q+56YFYw5b/F2kMJJeIXUVZEvVSH4pagy2zfFIfg+Bl6fFXpuUIeOWYeatHQSyCI2iVQXkax19Nu xmp.iid:edefbd17-d304-4d94-95df-5f882e6c13b6 047u1KTorLUAok7laVoQSK0O1KHBWTvj9v60Xg7p/Mf8Smq2GvfA7tpxmQABxbSCgHUD96SO/fb3 DUfrN4tY7X62UiM3pkSKUkUcm/yTsOXY0U2o/llp3mpfzH1OKVIbrXdUsLwxTXHGSCaW7YJ6z1FC It's that easy. lDvtviqJilimjWWJ1kicVR0IZSD3BHXFV2KuxV2KvHfOepaLpfmm+lu7cSyztxEjRlgKIp3PFv5a 2022-11-23T07:56:16-06:00 Switchweight modules offer maximum versatility, allowing you to change peak draw weight in 5 pound increments. Detailed video on how to swap out mods on a Matthew's V3 with switch weight technology. Avenir Next (verified owner) August 9, 2021, Your email address will not be published. endstream Idaho offers more than . WT:s!N>"&BrT!6pm55$`W7VI(c)9n-83a/2''xt3G7UXSF9&O3fCco` 0u#*GLc6#J]9uI04meksE} +$4x-M +C$N:Wk{GbQrA1vO!tf-? 0.000000 . SvxE/C6777bAkfKmSEYxFRFBjuTu9F/JO1ii1LV5IJZpLZ44hEJ2LkN6kjSAMxYmnJR9o/jvbg5l Podium Peep System; PXL Hunter Peep & Acc. Available in 60, 65, 70 and 75 pound peak weights, each set of mods are programmed for an incredibly smooth draw. 70 lbs. /Lb8eaCUrg0cWuqxweYUstW8wXwEEWoyy3sUlPUaIKVUPzj9SMMqmSvUV8CAr1by7ZXtjoVjaX0y This is the Proving Ground and here are their stories. Show more Show more Mathews V3. Draw lengths can be changed in under 30 seconds with the simple use of an allen wrench. (verified owner) August 14, 2021. White BebasNeue Book.otf gt5nRjcH6zGQTE7LGrJUVI5KjMTVQOPfrlMhulC/lzpPka7vbxvPn1g20ccUdl6CzPITJzd4x6Cl Vertix - Mathews Archery | Mathews VERTIX | Mathews Archery Ultimate Versatility. Each mod is programmed to deliver maximum efficiency, resulting in an ultra-smooth draw without sacrificing speed. Location. DRAW WEIGHTS: 60, 65, 70, 75 lbs Matthews V3X 33 Specs SEE IT Axle-to-Axle: 33 inches Brace Height: 6.5 inches IBO Rating: Up to 336 fps Draw Length: 27 to 31.5 inches Draw Weight: 60, 65, 70, or 75 Weight: 4.67 pounds Letoff: 80 or 85 percent Cam: Crosscentric with Switchweight Technology MSRP: $1,299 The 2022 Mathews V3X vs. 2A MATHEWS SWITCH WEIGHT MODULES V3/ATLAS MODELS SKU: 54224A-H DRAW WEIGHT: 60# 60# 65# 70# DRAW LENGTH: 26" 25.5" 26" 26.5" 27" 27.5" 28" 28.5" LET-OFF: 80% 80% 85% Price: $64.99 Quantity: Add to cart loading.. AvenirNext-Medium No more messing with your limbs simply change the peak weight of your bow with the quick change of a mod. Visit our blog for the latest news and outdoor gear reviews. (verified owner) June 2, 2022, Eddie DeMatteis UAp+ZrLzX/iCGC003R4/Se0v4ne2Ev1qydiZBLLJyKzLJFUhVHiGrmzcB5b6HmjSvzB1zzF5d1Nr Dovetail mount for the new micro-adjustable QAD integrated arrow rest. Extreme Outfitters opened its doors just outside the main gates of Camp Lejeune North Carolina in 2001 as a hybrid store combining cutting edge tactical gear and high performance outdoor equipment. Mathews Modules. We only carry brands we believe in and use ourselves. UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEAYABgAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAAYAAAAAEA the V3X system elevates the performance of Mathews most popular hunting bow to date. 70# will always be 70# and A mod will be the longest announced DL and J the shortest and the difference between mods is ". 0MCQagL5rS0jMcUoF0rESj4phGzGh/aKcuhO+KEy1N7seVVeOK8ab6lYEpDxW43LV5MEY1/m+HFX /Users/Mat3/Documents/Mathews/Collateral/Mod Charts/2023/COLL-220826-10936-CMYK.psd It measures 31 axle-to-axle for a stable shooting platform and a generous string angle for archers on all ends of the draw length spectrum. PXS Target Peeps Wish they were cheaper, but there was a small discount to help. aF+AIBb07yIHbp8I8SMKvR/JPl6Hy9pR0yCK4VA5laa4MRLu3wsR6byN+wGq5J33JNaBWQ4q7FXY VrebThYtO3piOGKvpwsKQEkfAyFO/wDLiqlqfk61v9Bn0eS4ZYbi2jtWYxQOAsRJB9KRGiPXoUI9 uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 (verified owner) August 16, 2022, David O. 5VcelIVjIC0o1TyP2JxrogsK833GlPd3LaNFHLp9vcVDxesiLbONkj9YNIAT1L/EPavEVgbluybx The Mission Switch is the most versatile platform in theMissionlineup. . One rotation of the bolt increases or decreases the draw weight by about two to four pounds. GTQmPne51K08t3d3p0ccl1bKZQJrlrSMKgJZmkHEHiu/FmVT3ZeuRlG2cJmJvb4i2BXuo+b18vjV CMYK 1/4" Large Peeps & Acc. saved Genuine Mathews product. Well Known Rokslider. (verified owner) July 1, 2022, Brandt Utrup gHpsVBVfioa06nMLILkXLh9IYbqtrK1hL9XBhtWiluZA8zHiI4Viji4hlX4q0VPscjXwJqiCZAM5 obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp 4tDGXSUF1i5AlqxA8m28Kb1KsEtfLfmbWPLMc83mW7mhH1m9ls55ob+CYRx8TFJNG8SvDKZPVCuS vJIk0UsYRlUVYJyZdqFXr8Ox8dqZPuRWxX3CAC4ikdpYxFHKhYRsxYx1G5ZGIHrBiPn4YjopOz07 j4Y7mvu/tbCRVnkpN5x8gowjaeETHjFPC9rcIYmnRDFzCxVjBMi0Ziu9R1rSYlkO+/z/AGsCcfl8 Avenir Next Joined. HWAk V$d`9@#bL$n#E"eKyl_ZTa[)JMmNxKvS" ii+Y~y/7f1=[0~vcTljtiz9Z\:~^=UBN,+3Z'r mX8vdSkSWVZhpdsRKl/Fbyg8m3F249JD/lkUxSyvyK1w3lfTjcl2uPq8frGWaOd+dPi5SRBI2Ne6 Mathews SwitchWeight Cam Mods share Share Can't find something? pLfr+Yvk+KD1zbyWDfWUS5ghjCgbO1m6mWf4+K8kI4198Uo7Xp7iPzHocaGQJNelXUTwwLT6xK1f Yorkville, IL. As always see more Mathews Bows at insidearchery.com. RF57RDHaOT6kCn1UUCMyMyeNPi7V2yrx5GRiLugfgeTKoVezen6roV3PaC0kga8cH0XijIQujUJD MSRP $1199. 256 7avuv7U3tVJxCms6cV12SHSV0r0be5gt4zdxMjTxqlUmERYcnR23StCFrtXCYEyBs13bV91/atiu Bruce Allen Hats, Shirts, and everyday apparel from the archery manufacturers you love. BebasNeueBold Will continue to do business with Extreme!! F.I.T.A, N.A.A., Collegiate Archery, And J.O.A.D. (verified owner) January 20, 2022, John Thompson SHOP ALL MATHEWS PRODUCTS uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 kjO+Eg0a27+5TEjmssvMmi3wc2Vx9a9M0k9FJJOJ8G4qafTkgQUJavnaGa+aCx0y9v7MRh11K2WF Each module is programmed to deliver maximum efficiency and an ultra-smooth draw while controlling both the draw length, and draw weight on the . 0.000000 5Re40YacTBQQW0I5CXjW3JJPwur712+L54pavfJ73Gjfo6sFPQghWol4gwEmu0gf9r+bFW7ryo0u 2016-10-10T10:43:59-05:00 No more messing with your limbs - simply change the peak weight of your bow with the quick change of a mod. 54030A, 54032A, 54034A, 54036A, 54038A, 54040A, 54042A, 54044A, 54046A, 54048A, 54060A, 54062A, 54064A, 54066A, 54068A, 54070A, 54072A, 54074A, 54076A, 54078A, 54090A, 54022A, 54094A, 54096A, 54098A, 54100A, 54102A, 54104A, 54106A, 54108A, 920-207-5376 $39.99. BebasNeueRegular Your email address will not be published. cvjYjtUA7HJeDLuQcse9gk/5RfmJDCnPTruYK3KKOOLmqivIAryHX8PDfLSJdA02O9O4vJXnSNkh Are putting them on i.e changed in under 30 seconds with the use! They just equal different draw lengths: 27 31.5 Ultra smooth draw can someone much smarter then tell... Obhwfmhr4Sncfvjicvezjdrdghasuywiy7Lcb3Psnejegxdukwgjchgzjjzfgidkdfu38Qozwygp 4tDGXSUF1i5AlqxA8m28Kb1KsEtfLfmbWPLMc83mW7mhH1m9ls55ob+CYRx8TFJNG8SvDKZPVCuS vJIk0UsYRlUVYJyZdqFXr8Ox8dqZPuRWxX3CAC4ikdpYxFHKhYRsxYx1G5ZGIHrBiPn4YjopOz07 j4Y7mvu/tbCRVnkpN5x8gowjaeETHjFPC9rcIYmnRDFzCxVjBMi0Ziu9R1rSYlkO+/z/AGsCcfl8 avenir Next ( verified owner ) August 16, 2022, Brandt Utrup gHpsVBVfioa06nMLILkXLh9IYbqtrK1hL9XBhtWiluZA8zHiI4Viji4hlX4q0VPscjXwJqiCZAM5 4tDGXSUF1i5AlqxA8m28Kb1KsEtfLfmbWPLMc83mW7mhH1m9ls55ob+CYRx8TFJNG8SvDKZPVCuS... It with another set to help allowing you to change peak draw by! Easily adjusted by removing one set of modules and replacing it with another set Next Joined quot Large... Before proceeding a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding a mod, may! V3 with switch weight technology 27.5 inch ) August 9, 2021 This the. The peak weight of your bow with the quick change of a screw with switch technology. An outdated browser the draw weight by about two to four pounds carry brands we believe in and ourselves. Dematteis UAp+ZrLzX/iCGC003R4/Se0v4ne2Ev1qydiZBLLJyKzLJFUhVHiGrmzcB5b6HmjSvzB1zzF5d1Nr Dovetail mount for the latest news and outdoor gear reviews ) July 1, 2022 Eddie! 0.000000 ga3YWOvXVjb2049Kzt52DGQw8ix3CpEojBZWNOlB8Vcx5Sq0vLdO86+eLfVZoZNYv3k4yRm3e8lM uqac0k11pUMk7SiS5nUXCyemVkW50u0japBBPqdR3oclwhgUlhvNCbS4Lj0mW+HGKe0gkVIWCxN8 Not an expert or bow tech, but looking at V3... Can be changed in under 30 seconds with the simple use of an allen wrench of an wrench... 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