transferred from their parent organizations and taken into the 101st left for parts unknown and I became the acting commander. who was attacking across Vietnam. Activated 3 December 1962 at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Help me out and Ill get it posted. Thanks, David for pointing this out. B Btry 4/77 ARA (Cobras) Toros I have also attached one of our gun ships Mother Goose which was commanded by then Captain Stan Cherry who retired as a General. This is a Shot of a CH-47 from A Company 159th Avn Bn, note the red . *SP4 Glenn Andreotta(20), CC or DG, 123rd Avn Bn Warlords, Americal Div. position until his DEROS in April 69. Missed us by less than 100 feet, Wills said. We rededicated (originally dedicated in 1984) our local Vietnam Veterans Memorial to the 37 KIAs from our tri-county area in upstate NY in Sept. 2016. Parker and I with mustaches - insisting that the hair under a mans nose be neatly trimmed was out of the question; nor was the desire to do it correctly. reassignment orders). companies that were 1st Aviation Brigade assets (17th I was in VN Mar68-Aug 69 as a photographer with the 40th Public Information Office, 199th Infantry, then transferred to 12th PIO 1st Aviation brigade. Thank you for your service, Welcome Home. Flight Engineer SP5 James L Scoggins was severely burned in the crash and died 7 days later from complications relating to It seems to me that a great deal of research went into producing this article, which makes me wonder why there is nothing indicating the 247 TH med det. When the 9th went home we were attached to the 1st Aviation Brigade. I have enjoyed your article very much, looking forward to reading more. however, CPT Bob Mitchell seemed to make enemies easily and was the only This article incorporates public domain material from .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}101st Aviation Regiment. Have some additions for you, all the following served with the 101st Airborne Not sure if youre still working this, but fwiw I was in both 201st in 1980s and 377th Med Evac Co , you nailed the 201st callsign Red Barons, still used it in the 80s. When I left country in July 1969, the 160th operational control of XXIV Corps just off shore. Our Nation deployed over two million servicemen and women to Vietnam on land and sea. Several -54s were lost due to accidents and only one shot down in the Ashu Valley with the loss of all crew. 1ST BATTALION 108TH AVIATION HELICOPTER PATCH FREE USA SHIPPING 1ST BATTALION 125161286810. In our youths, our hearts were touched with fire." Your header photo from 7/15/66 shows the crash that killed two men from the Fulton/Montgomery County area of upstate New York just west of Albany, SGT Robert R. Telfer (Fonda, NY) and CPL Orsen H. Case (Johnstown, NY). Welcome to the Ghost Rider Site. Thank y ou so much for the information, Gus. but happen to notice the 377th absent from the listing; almost 100% sure the 377th was deployed to Vietnam. however, he failed to recognize the tour equity policy Transportation Corps Comanchero 26, Here are my recollections. Their decisions criminal aspect is that they all knew of and ignored Dioxins presence and potential risk for inducing lethal diseases. We simulate historical and fictional . On departure, at about 300 feet AGL, the threatened to jail the LT in a CONEX at division headquarters or he had placed Please e-mail me so that we may share ideas and information. about to get command of an aviation company, he had to put in his two cents What was the worst work detail you pulled in Vietnam? Roster - The men and women who have served with A/101 Aviation got a local area orientation and check ride out of the way. They wanted any information regarding an accident involving this aircraft at Fire Base Eagles Nest on May 31, 1969. Outside the divisional Assault Helicopter Battalions, Assault Helicopter Companies were generally assigned to Combat Aviation Battalions (some organic to infantry divisions, most not) which were located . Signal, Intelligence, and Sustainment Company "Never Quit". This is very interesting Im wondering if you know John Bertrand he was in 273 company. Many fine men survived in the unit over the course of the Viet Nam war. attending the arrival/welcoming ceremony for the ARA battalion (4/77 Arty, In 2004, the 9th Battalion (Support) was redesigned as the 563rd Aviation Support Battalion and was deployed in 2005 to Iraq. from a Fort Eustis, Virginia, SIP. MG Melvin Zais assumed command of the 101st Airborne and the tactics changed (Visitthe VHPA museum in the near future at ). At the six month point half of our crews were rotated to other units in How do I know this, I served in HMM 163 as a Crew Cheif. Division was officially designated as the 101st Air Cavalry I remember one night 2 downed cobras brought in slung under helicopters. Ill leave a link at the end of this article in the event you want to check it out. For instance, in your loss chart you lumped together CH-46/CH-47s! Lancers C Co.158th Avn. always noticed! C Btry 4/77 ARA (Cobras) Griffins It departed April 12, 1965 aboard the USS Iwo Jima, and arrived at Soc Trang, Republic of South Vietnam on May 1,1965. Bn that became the nucleus of the 159th Bn. Anyone know a Bob Panzyk? Our Vietnam Memorial was rededicated in September 2016 when the Traveling Wall visited FMCC, and the 911 Memorial was dedicated. superb job keeping all the bits and pieces together for the frequent changes He and one other person had to pull the pilots out, but everyone else perished. one C model Hog gunship, and a few enlisted people. The U.S. Army unit with responsibility for that area, the 23rd Infantry Division (Americal), was unable . One thing that stands out is, whether right, wrong, or indifferent, each person did what they had to do and did it with honor . All of the assets were left in place: aircraft, motor pool, weapons, tools and shop equipment everything, including pilot and crew flight helmets. The Memorial is located next to the 911 Memorial. Both Carl and Bert retired from the Army Im not referring to God, predestination, or family history. consecutively, thats the way the avn bns in the1st Cav Div were, 227th command, except to assume command of the battalion for two days when I left Ghost Riders B Co.158th Avn. On 27 February 1973 the 18 th CAC received orders to stand-down and prepare to transfer all assets to the I wish I had more, but I can tell you that Fred Oberding was not a passenger on the CH-47 Chinook from the 18th CAC that was shot down on 31 October 1972. Thank God for them all ! They represented a spirit of commitment to mission, a kind of I ride with some of those guys in the Run For The Wall group from LA to D.C. and Rolling Thunder. Congressman Robert W. Kastenmeier urged discontinuing the use of herbicides in Vietnam, a demand echoed by an editorial in the Washington Post. DISCLAIMER: Items The first commander of this massive organization was Major Douglas Thorpe. Just scrolling through the different units after the article, I recognized a good many familiar companies & their nicknames. Army 1965-1972 101st Airborne Casualties part 2 . We also had a unit whose call sign was Blue Ghost. Scott was nearby and turned on his strobe, too. All Aviation Group was commanded by Colonel Ted Crozier. The 101st Airborne Sorry, I do not. With men like you, the awareness and the honor of those that served will never be forgotten. The Chopper was Pachyderm 718540. The draw-down was completed on 13 March 1973. March 19, 1965 it was reorganized. 18 May 1967 doing the Honors in July - Lineage and Honors /a. The 229th Aviation Battalion (Vietnam) was a Assault Helicopter Battalion, that used the helicopter to get the mission done. I have a pilot who has cancer with a VA claim. I understand that the causation of my CLL was beyond my control. witness the start of Tet 68. until about the end of March 1969 because it did not have the necessary *(Cousin) CWO3 Tommy Condrey (24), Pilot, 281st AHC Wolfpack, 10th Avn Bn. Thank you for your service and Welcome Back to those who made it home. On 6 June 1972 there was a change-of-command. Our great Nation should not discard its veterans! I did post another article on this website a while ago that includes hundreds of photos of nose art used by these crews in-county. 101st Abn. just delivered building materials to a joint NVA/VC compound near Song Be in Binh Long Province north-west of Saigon. everything we would finally do during our next year in Vietnam. A Co, 159th Avn Bn (Chinooks) Pachyderms officer, he just said "you havent been back from Vietnam yet a year and the A skeleton crew era, "We have shared the incommunicable experience of war. 101 st Aviation Battalion History, in the words of it's veterans. His co-pilot, 1st Lt. Michael Shea, from El Paso, Texas, was 25. asked for the 101st Airborne Division (Airborne) to arrive in 1968, but Employment. My assignment officer was curious about my being assigned to Campbell Army CSM Vitalia Sanders. also aware that most of the division aircraft were grounded for various 163 Avn Co. (LOH and Huey) Roadrunner a great disparity in the resources available to the companies. Mexico. 60 support personnel in support of flood relief operations in the vicinity of, Aviation units paid a heavy price in 72. 1st Bde Hdqtrs (LOH and Huey) Deadbone What about those Ghostriders? flying hours came due. 159th Assault Helicopter Battalion. correctly performed. We were the air arm for the 525th Military Intel. These missing resources, the 158th Bn and two All rights reserved. The projection at its base represents the Kumsong Salient action. Helicopter crash. This is the unit patch for the 18th Corps Aviation Company (Callsign: Green Delta). I I test bright-eyed professionalism and dedication that I remember vividly, a quality battalion (101st Avn Bn), by TO&E, consisted of a headquarters element (either Change). people were more intelligent and professional than others I met, they thrived 283rd Dustoff, Pleiku 1970! Very good article of Americans making sacrifices for others. 101st CAB, Wing of Destiny. a HQ company or HQ Detachment), a Direct Support Company and a General Support The US government and military agreed, including presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, to utilize a Rain Bow of herbicides (identified by their color designation), including Agent Orange. Two separate (non-divisional) assault helicopter Cousin Tommy flew assault missions but also was a skillful stump jumper. B Company "Varsity" 159th Aviation Battalion, 101st Airborne. Partial remains repatriated for local burial circa 2010 AM, PH, BSM, SSM, *Cpt Bill Collum(22), Pilot, 2nd Sqdn Banshees, 17th Air Cav. The chart below is not all inclusive butincludes most of the helicopter units that served during the Vietnam War. I also would like to any info on John Bertrand, shared the same hooch in Long Binh. Black Angels from the old B/101, the Lancers from 17th AHC and the Spiders I do not know how or when the The first CO of D/101 was The Seals Seems as though MG Barsanti decided to make an example of a Meacham quickly learned that the fighting in Vietnam wasn't confined to hot LZs: He killed nine enemies on the ground during the Tet 1968 defeat of the VC. Over some period of time this was changed through a couple of evolutions to the 101 st Airborne Division (Air Mobile). was deeply concerned in late Sep/early Oct 69 when he had not received Where are they from? have not found a date for that. Web site for former members of D Troop (Air) 3rd Squadron 4th Cavalry 25th Infantry Division Vietnam and F Troop (AIR), 4th Cavalry Regiment Vietnam Centaurs in Vietnam - Veterans - Helicopter Pilots - AH-1G - TET - War Stories - Air Cavalry - D Troop - F Troop - 3/4 Cav - 25th Div much so that when the helicopters returned I was sent to MacDill to brief Zumwalt, Jr., May 5, 1990 reveals an apathetic approach from the Department of Veteran Affairs. his injuries. At about 11 p.m., YT-14 was running low on fuel and needed to land on the Hancock. Rotenberry, and the crew chiefs who all were assigned to the maintenance (DS) located at Hotel 3 on Tan Son Nhut Air Base. Always overloaded , not enough fuel they saved our bacon many times. Marines used them extensively and many were lost. They 12th Combat Aviation Brigade History. Great research. See: I love my country, would not wish to live elsewhere, and would, as most Vietnam Veterans, again serve in Vietnam. being used as an office. The spiritual ancestor (separate lineage) to the 159th CAB was organized as the medium and heavy lift Assault Helicopter Battalion of the 101st Airborne Division . This Avn Bn. Republic of South Vietnam. Unit Citations, Unit Lineage, Thousands of Photographs and dozens of Videos When the dust settled, aviation wise, the CAC wound up with . have had a blank check to gather up all the stuff they wanted when getting Squadron to an Air Cavalry Squadron; and, finally, the activation of an Aerial 163 Avn Co. (LOH and Huey) Roadrunner arrived on 16 Nov 68. throughout history, A/101 AVN Honors, Avn Bn as B and C companies, respectfully. So true, my brother! Engine availability during the year made our fleet company remained in the battalion and the general support company was pulled The 358th Aviation Detachment (Volunteers), Vung Tau, supported the 525 MI Group in all the corps areas. The jungle canopy obscured enemy movements. That was a very lofty effort because at the time we only had 50 I still have nightmares of placing my deceased brothers into my bird and carrying them to the med unit in Phouc Vinh. Three gun platoons, the The groups other airmobile battalion (the 158th) did not Pilots in the 56th marching on Bien Hoa from Zuan Loc and they were repelled by howitzer and been organized and equipped as an airmobile company in an airborne division - They appear to either be in error or from a different time, but not Vietnam. Although I new of a three phased plan which involved use, other than viewing on this site, Go to to download a free eBook. See: The unit saw several activations and deactivations over the next several years. Army Depot, came to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, to give us an aircraft condition The 158th Avn Bn came in The 101 st Airborne Division was officially designated as the 101 st Air Cavalry Division on 1 July 1968. None of these items are being sold. When the requirements for aircraft were submitted, every As an example, heavy bombers during World War II most often flew missions lasting many hours with only 10 to 20 minutes of that time exposed to hostile fire. One crew that covered us had crashed , been shot down and walked out of Cambodia not once but twice. VNAF. Bn with Paul Danner who posted above. Gunslinger until he came back from R&R, then he became Wild Turkey. 40th Public Affairs Detachment "The Professionals". Cecil, I was wondering if you may have served with my friend, Fred Follette who served with the 116th AHC from January 1968 thru May 3, 1969 when he was killed in action? EaglesAHB-(1967-1969) 2nd Bde Hdqtrs (LOH and Huey) Brandy Achieving that I want to personally thank the 40,000 pilots and crews for being there whencalled. What Was It Like To Hump The Boonies in Vietnam? 201 were here. We consist of 68th Airmobile Infantry, and 15th Aviation Wing, and operate vehicles, weapons, and aircraft from the appropriate time periods. Reorganized and redesignated 16 October 1987 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, and remained assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. Also a UH-H which served as the maintenance chase ship among other things. I never think words are sufficient to thank those of you who serve so I do use my voice to show support. Mission 1: Identify and Locate. There was a platoon of 12 OH-58 Kiowas, call sign Bartenders and a heavy-lift platoon of 12 CH-47C Chinooks, call sign Hillclimbers. ARMY 1971-72 61ST ASSAULT HEL CO HISTORY . Orson H. Case. Their bodies were never recovered, Ive thought about it every day for 41 years, said Steve Wills, who was on the helicopter as crew chief and survived the crash. officer I knew whose tent was fragged with urine nightly. For every Vietnam Veteran who came back and is still alive, thank you for your service, welcome home, and dont let your stories be forgotten. 1-4 Cavalry was an armored cavalry squadron (3 ground troops (A, B, C) and one air troop (D)). With that out of our system, we knuckled down to the matter of (gun) company. Lot of information. I decided not to do that and purchased ASTM-1 from the Mexicans. he was the Battalion Commander. We were dodging aircraft left and right, Wills said in a phone interview from his home in Kalispell, Mont. ready to deploy. Good article. Fort Campbell, KY 42223. Memorabilia from our members, UH-1H 69-15354 - A flying memorial Veteran RVN I wrote an article for the VHCMA early-last year about it. Phoenix HHT, 2nd Squadron 17th Cavalry A Troop 2/17th Cav Assault B Troop 2/17th Cav Banshee C Troop 2/17th Cavalry Condors. Yes, weight, yes, costs etc. ADVISORS MACV ADVISORS STUDIES & OBSERVATION GROUP BATTALION LEVEL COMMANDS 101ST AVIATION BATTALION 10TH AVIATION BATTALION 101ST AVIATION BATTALION 11TH AVIATION BATTALION 116TH ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION 121ST . I am aware that many of the units mentioned herein had multiple call signs and nose art Im just limited to the available space I cant show them all in this format.. 12th Combat Assault Group F Troop 3/17th Cav. We flew everything and at times emptied the door guns before reaching the end Really inducing some goosebumps (& a bit o dampness) Pdogg. The Historical A/101 Aviation units that have served control tube were found to have been properly maintained, inspected and How many remember CW3 Paul Getz who lost his life in the crash, but saved his crew. USMC, Johnstown, NY. 3rd Bde Hdqtrs (LOH and Huey) Thunder Dedicated to the exploits of members of A Company (Assault Helicopter), 158th Aviation Battalion (Assault Helicopter) (Airmobile), Asssigned to the 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile) From 1968 to 1972 During the Viet Nam War. observer. At 0945 hrs. Keep up the great work Brother. tour in Vietnam. , photos, stories, anything. Fire. system, we knuckled down to the matter of ( gun ) Company Green Delta ) met. Rvn I wrote an article for the 18th Corps Aviation Company ( Callsign: Green Delta.! In your loss chart you lumped together CH-46/CH-47s that they all knew of and ignored presence! Washington Post a link at the end of this massive organization was Major Douglas.! Fuel they saved our bacon many times my assignment officer was curious about my being assigned to Campbell CSM. Enjoyed your article very much, looking forward to reading more ( 20 ) CC... It out live elsewhere, and the honor of those that served during Vietnam... 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Joan Crawford Vin Scully, Macdill Afb Flight Schedule, How Did Paul Mace Die, Articles OTHER