highly accomplished teacher portfolio examplehighly accomplished teacher portfolio example
This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Some teachers use these editable forms when they are grading their papers at home after school hours, when they do not have access to their school's student record management system. After reflecting on the seven graduate AITSL standards, AITSL STANDARDS - Highly Accomplished. These guidelines will assist aspiring applicants to participate in the certification process. This curriculum uses the, ASSIGNMENT TEMPLATE (Excel & PDF FILLABLES) a Teacher's "Paper Trail" Form provides teachers of any discipline with a handy form on which to record student grades at any time. Or are you looking to transition from part-time to something more permanent? Learn more: Cassandra Burke Teaching Portfolio. A beautiful profe, An updated bundle to prepare you for upcoming job applications and interviews!Ensure you are well prepared to apply for your dream job using the Ultimate Preparation Bundle!Including:The Pre-Service Teacher 26-page guidebook, including pages of sample interview questions, advice and tips for applying for your first teaching positionThe AITSL aligned teacher interview portfolio, including a hyperlinked PowerPoint portfolio template, outlining what evidence to include and howA simple, foolproof re, Walk in confidently to your first teaching interview with the ultimate interactive interview portfolio!Designed by two experienced Assistant Principals, this PowerPoint template is completely aligned to the Graduate Teaching Standards set by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. Examples included (Source: Department of Education WA and Institute for Professional Learning) show how to, Preparing your folder for review/evaluation can feel like a daunting task. The research team identified similar practices with high impact across the seven sampled portfolios and coded the examples using verb stems associated with the APSTs, and the activities . The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) has been working . I feel more confident as a teacher, not because I have a piece of paper telling me I'm Highly Accomplished, but because now I feel I have a toolkit to support me in reflecting on and developing my practice and helping others with theirs. either HAT or LEAD) by downloading from the links below. In the certification process expertise is valued more highly than the number of years one has been teaching, evidenced through the fact that 23% of HALTs have been teaching for less than ten years. Also, these forms make a great addition to your p, ** Now includes an example at the end of the document**Prior to graduation as a teacher in Australia you are required to provide evidence that you meet the AITSL Teaching Standards at the graduate level. %q9|
?L0(a@-D-qnz~ A Cu;!C1&=yD`PkH>C"OCjcX9 %b~>0O%{0A|u?qo2~]Nuz7C2wbQL~f7A CbOG O`Xzk0deG,z"vk1`/u"7 c v`iL!CSOf!bRn?)/``1(a)_x tf!o=`3>%?g5b6{FLXdUN*WbJf^w;FMcaWXgRG0S\SO&BX}||`Q\&M{'|hx]cyr%wlL'Cug4tgwpm+\Uyjxmx9RGzj',5M%L r[aEA"n@d6b0:I%$buq/yrGU PYS!&m5Uwl.XxlpK;dK5Xg-T)n'qGW/}OKokF Our ready to go online portfolio has all the tools and support you'll need to create an amazing teacher portfolio for graduation or accreditation at any career stage. Not only is it a great way to showcase all of your hard work and accomplishments, it can be a valuable tool when youre looking for a new job. This zip file includes two versi, TEACHER TO DO LIST (EXCEL & PDF FILLABLES) - "A Teacher's Planning & Prep Guide" is a form meant for teachers only. In developing the nationally consistent approach to certification, AITSL consulted with all state and territory education authorities, national and local Catholic and Independent school authorities, teacher regulatory authorities, peak national bodies, including unions and principal associations, and practising teachers and principals, Copyright 2017, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, Other than in relation to third party expressions of opinion or views aired on this website, the views expressed on this website are solely those of the Board of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited and not of any other party or organisation, Level 8, 440 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 See video preview. COMPLETE TEMPLATE WITH EXAMPLES! Watch as our country, government and culture change and how that affects life in the different time periods and how these girls discovered more about themselves and the world they live in. 3 0 obj
The third year saw Gripton writing annotations, doing observations and polishing everything off. They want accreditation and registration to be about their students and how they can help them to grow. Lets face it: working in education is really unpredictable right now. For the next month, snap a picture at least once a day of life in your classroom. Other In-Service Teacher Examples Selena's Portfolio Judy's Edufolio HELPING TEACHERS CREATE EVIDENCE OF PRACTICE Kerry Gray Primary school teacher with a passion for ICT, high impact, cooperative learning and evidence-based teaching Kerry started her journey with Edufolios as a student at Flinders University back in 2018. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) Certification process introduced in Australia in 2012 was designed to recognise expert teachers, to encoura . This professional binder/portfolio will help you sort and prepare your evidence. <>
All rights reserved. Do you struggle to gather all your records for that important staff meeting or teacher-parent conversations?We have the all-in-one tool that you need in this Ultimate Teacher Planner! Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? It tells the story of how youve evolved as a teacher over time. And making sure the person observing you was really clear that they understood what the standards were about so you had that common understanding. What does a Highly Accomplished teacher look like? Designed for a Graduate Professional Portfolio or Compilation of Evidence, this checklist with accompanying Situation-Action-Outcome template is perfect for evidencing the Standards to achieve full registration. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. Are you preparing for National Certification as a Highly Accomplished Teacher in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (managed by AITSL)? Although its important to have a physical portfolio to bring to interviews, also having a digital portfolio is quite convenient! What are your fears or concerns? Phonological Awareness, 2. This e-portfolio will be submitted as part of my application for the transition of Proficient teacher to Highly Accomplished. This professional PowerPoint Slideshow is for you! - Highly Accomplished This e-portfolio will be submitted as part of my application for the transition of Proficient teacher to Highly Accomplished teacher. You have to write a reflective report saying how you've met the standards over the five years and what you've been doing to improve your practice. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) worked closely with key education stakeholders to develop the national education Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers in Australia. You'll need to be confident in the classroom and have a range of strategies for engaging your students . The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) worked closely with key education stakeholders to develop the national education Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers in Australia. Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content relevant and meaningful. Use our unique tools to find out which standards and focus areas you're covering in your practice and which artefacts you need to back that up. Learn more: Cassandra Burke Teaching Portfolio 3. Are you a graduate teacher? When applying to jobs or emailing with schools, you can easily include a link to your online portfolio for others to learn more about you. Certification is different in each of the states but in New South Wales, if you want to maintain it you have to renew it every five years,' Gripton explains. Paper Passing Magic is a teacher hack I created and then perfected over 14 years in the classroom. Using these sites to record your evidence as to how you meet each Standard will help you with the . Illustration of Evidence! Here is a Microsoft PowerPoint Portfolio that is already set out and all the standards and their focus areas on individual slides so all you have to do is add you evidence for each Focus Area. Edufolios creates a teacher portfolio that puts what really matters first - the difference you are making with your students, your colleagues and your community . It also includes sections on behavior management, parent communication, assessment and tracking, and teacher collaboration. These are binder dividers to ensure all evidence is kept safely and organised, and of course, looking pretty!Fonts used:SweetLinedSweetSevenSkinny. <>
OQMD/j$M*CqP;uCW&`Y|#2PTE`i8*"$W[rj% weG{/jFQ/ZxO_! This template caters for all levels of experience. Watch as our country, government and culture change and how that affects life in the different time periods and how these girls discovered more about themselves and the world they live in. This page contains all of the information and resources related to stage 1 and stage 2 of the HAT and LT certification process. $120 /Per Year Most Popular Unis and Schools Their portfolio of practice is filled with evidence that recharges and reinvigorates them as they pass accreditation and complete teacher registration with ease. The SAO was supported by photographic evidence and documents. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Follow eight young girls on a journey through time. endobj
(It can also be printed) An Edufolios teacher reflects on what they do already in their classroom and uses our tools to connect their practice to the teaching standards to see and celebrate their impact. You deserve to see your impact and pass accreditation. <>
Guidelines for Certification QCTThe QCT Certification Guidelines have been developed for teachers applying for HAT and LT Certification in Queensland. Pre-made digital activities. I am currently in the process of compiling a Highly Accomplished portfolio for my accreditation. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Need to put together a portfolio with evidence showing how you as a teacher meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (managed by AITSL) -this professional PowerPoint Slideshow is for you! This example has lots of in-depth sections, and you can choose which ones you want to include. Dont be afraid of color because it can really make your experience pop. P Drawing on her experience, Gripton has some advice for others who'd like to get started with the certification process. When I first started teaching I was always really frustrated when it came time to collecting papers (assignments, tests/quizzes, "BUSINESS PLAN ACTIVITY for Teachers of ALL Disciplines" is an activity that identifies what a business plan is and sets the tone for an entrepreneurship unit that may be part of your curriculum.Did you know that a business plan can be taught in both academic courses as well as CTE courses? Australia. 9 0 obj
No site building required. Prior to graduation as a teacher in Australia you are required to provide evidence that you meet the AITSL Teaching Standards at the graduate level. Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers, High Quality Professional Learning Toolkit, Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Network, Building a culturally responsive Australian teaching workforce, Next steps in initial teacher education reform, Improved Professional Experience for ITE students, Understand the literacy and numeracy test, Revised Guidelines for the accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education. You really needed to think about your teaching practice to make sure what you were doing was actually what the standards were about. These cookies do not store any personal information. According to Gripton, the three-year process of becoming Highly Accomplished was difficult at times. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This is a rubric I created to track my descriptors whilst doing my Highly Accomplished HAT, Are you looking for a handbook for your new or probationary teachers? To become certified, teachers are required to contact a certifying authority, as this authority in each participating state and territory is responsible for implementation of the certification process and all applications. Demonstrate Knowledge and Understanding of. endobj
Then, at the end of each quarter, spend some time updating it to keep it current and relevant. Creating a solid teaching portfolio takes time. The policy outlines the purposes and principles underlying certification and the assessment process. A checklist to ensure you have covered the standards and focus area; Also, understanding the standards and what they look like in practice proved to be a challenge, but this is something Gripton thinks has become easier for teachers looking to undertake the process now given the resources that have been made available. This can be students working on activities, bulletin boards and displays, and student work. It's really important to have someone you can share your journey with I think. This portfolio is extremely comprehensive! Focus on what matters, your students and colleagues. They want accreditation and registration to be about their students and how they can help them to grow. The templates are also useful for any other evidence compilation for further professional portfolios!The colour coding makes mapping the evidence to the standards clear and visual. This professional PowerPoint Slideshow is for you! Adding visuals such as student examples, icons, and links to lessons can really make your page pop. Finding a template that you can customize to your liking can save so much time. Its a highly productive tool that has been carefully designed to help, I created this printable PDF to help me stay organized and keep track of all of the weekly to-dos that always seem to pile up by mid week. Evidence, Help with Teacher Accreditation The Reflective Teacher Podcast, [Guide] How to use the Australian Professional Standards For Teachers. What are you anticipating you will get out of the process? Not only does it highlight substitute teaching work, it highlights other related professional experiences as well. Having standards to identify helped clarify the conversations, but part of the problem, too, was that my observers were also only used to dealing with pre-service teachers so their feedback at times was a little brutal. $6.95. Example Teaching portfolio A place where you can upload evidence and information relating to how you meet the Australian professional teaching standards Teaching Portfolio. Helping teachers create evidence of practice. Tools and templates 33. endobj
TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Here is a portfolio or binder cover pages that is already set out and all the standards and their focus areas on individual pages so all you have to do is sort your evidence for e, AITSL Standards / APST Checklist and SAO Template + EXAMPLES for Portfolio, AITSL Standards Portfolio Organiser DIGITAL VERSION, The Ultimate Preparation Bundle for Job Applications and Interviews. You will find that there are two separate temp, The Ultimate Teacher Planner | Galaxy CosmicTeachers, do you find having multiple books and tools a hassle to keep track of your things-to-do and other administrative tasks? teachers. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. for Teachers. I know how stressful this time can be! She also created referee packs with examples of her practice so the comments from the observers were as on point as possible. 5&~qy]\\f74>LyXvy5a Kg|(RuV|Sd!E\]-? $%,P:r\`J@uuX;:;:;@L Cursive Handwriting 4. This portfolio template document has many hyperlinks within it to allow easy navigation when presenting your portfolio of evidence. Demonstrate your knowledge and application of these standards within this easy to follow template.Each slide is hyperlinked and easy to follow back to the home page.Each slide contains detailed inf, Included in this 6-page PowerPoint file is 3 colour (rainbow-themed) and 3 black & white teacher reflection templates for whole day, daily (Monday-Friday) and weekly overview reflections (linked to AITSL standards). Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Do you struggle to gather all your records for that important staff meeting or teacher-parent conversations?We have the all-in-one tool that you need in this Ultimate Teacher Planner! Get started with these teaching portfolio examples. W, This is a Template for a Teaching Portfolio for Interviewing. 2023 Australian Council for Educational Research ACER, official partner of UNESCO, This educator reflects on her journey to become certified Highly Accomplished. This example sets itself apart because it includes information on teaching students as well as letters from students. This resource may be just what you are looking for! No idea where to start? Just take it one step at a time, it can seem really overwhelming so really break it down and just do one step at a time, one standard, one descriptor, bit by bit. 689P-#V^BJ1Ay#`"B\,B?g65De*$,)^19b;o%}4=0`}'
Download (PDF, 89.76kB) Recommended for Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers Suggested duration 15 minutes Career stage Teacher Interview Portfolio - AITSL Aligned! Follow twelve young girls on a journey through time. Watch as our country, government and culture change and how that affects life in the different time periods and how these girls discovered more about themselves and the world they live in. Ready to go! Google Sites is free and you can transfer information from your physical portfolio, so if you have one already, make it a digital option! Nope and nope. Take charge of your reflections and stop feeling overwhelmed by the standards! Designed for Australian Teachers to manage and record Professional Development, in accordance with AITSL Teaching Standards (current as of 04/2018), by an experienced Australian Teacher. See more: How to Write Good Notes as a Mentor Teacher You will be supported by your school system. <>
It helps you to link your evidence to the AITSL standard you have demonstrated.Enjoy and leave a review!Caitlin Phoebe x, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Dont get held back or stop learning. The policy outlines the purposes and principles underlying certification and the assessment process. Here is a portfolio or binder cover pages that is already set out and all the standards and their focus areas on individual pages so all you have to do is sort your, No time to prepare your own Highly Accomplished Teacher Accreditation Binder? Teachers applying for certification are required to use the Highly Accomplished stages of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Am I a font of all wisdom regarding the standards and best practice? If youre looking for teaching portfolio examples from Google Sites, check out this one from Martha Moore of Primary Paradise. Its much better to have a strong set of well-chosen materials than a large collection of documents that are unfiltered and overwhelming to the reader. Be strategic, identify your areas of weakness early on so you can plan for those and get as much support as you can online, through AITSL, through your local certifying authority. An awesome feature in this portfolio is the use of a QR code to link to a digital website or portfolio! 2807 0 obj
Tools and templates 33. stream
The second year of this process involved gathering a lot of evidence, talking to referees and getting referees to write statements. Editable pages for your Teaching portfolio; endstream
teachers. That's very different to just wandering in and saying, oh that looks like fun. 1) THIS RESOURCE IS DESIGNED TO BE PRINTED AND EITHER BOUND OR STAPLED AS IT IS A PDF FILE ONLY AND IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE EDITED UPON DOWNLOAD A Teaching Portfolio should include a lot of proof. I too often was finding that I had post-it note reminders stuck all around my computer and lists that seemed to pile up each week causing more stress than necessary. I have a framework for supporting other educators, and for having more targeted and fulfilling professional conversations.'. Here is a portfolio or binder cover pages that is already set out and all the standards and their focus areas on individual pages so all you have to do is sort your evidence for each Fo, This product aims to assist teachers compile evidence that they are meeting the AITSL standards. Time updating it to keep it current and relevant necessary cookies are absolutely essential for next. 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