spiritual warfare prayer points using the blood of jesusspiritual warfare prayer points using the blood of jesus
Are you sure? God knows you better than you can ever know yourself, and as a result, He knows what your true potential and capabilities are going to be in this life you do not. My body is a temple for the HOLY SPIRIT, redeemed, cleansed, sanctified by the BLOOD OF JESUS.. You can read the story in Exodus. It is not sponsored or supported by any particular church or denomination. The first 4 Seals prepare the way for the 5th seal. In the name of Jesus, I apply the blood of Jesus. Had each person not properly applied this blood on their door posts, their firstborn children would have also been killed, along with the rest of the firstborn children of the Egyptians. God is wanting you to fully surrender four specific things to Him: The Bible tells us that we have three parts to our beings body, soul and spirit. The Blood of Jesus cannot dry up; neither can it lose its power. I eat the flesh of Jesus to receive new spiritual strength and vigor, strength and vigor to put under subjection all works of the flesh, strength and vigor to paralyze the desires of my flesh, strength and vigor to paralyze the power my flesh and make it obedient to the laws of the Lord. Prayer For Divine Help and Protection You are our helper, Mighty One. I plead the blood of Jesus I personally believe the answer is yes, and that is why God the Father seems willing to work with any believer who will plead the blood of Jesus on whatever they want protection on before any attack can come their way just like He did in the story of the Passover with His own chosen people. The prayer was offered in an attempt to rescue a young woman from being abused in a satanic cult ritual. In fact, before you move into a new apartment or house, you should sanitise it and the surroundings, with the Blood of Jesus. Thank You Father for the benefits and provision of the blood of Jesus. She followed it and then saw her pant. Lord Jesus, bear all my physical and spiritual burdens now, in the Name of Jesus. So was the apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 11:27). 2. There is an end for all of us some day. Thank U. 9. If for any reason you question your salvation, go to a quiet place, alone, and talk to Jesus. There were over thirty people involved in an occult sacrifice ceremony and this prayer shut them down and scattered them like rats in a livestock feed room. In the Old Testament, God the Father had it arranged with His chosen people, the Jews, that in order for them to be able to enter into a covenant relationship with Him, they had to have some kind of temporary covering for their sins. These are very serious matters and we should recognise and know these secrets. I personally witnessed its effectiveness in one of the most dramatic dramas of spiritual warfare I could ever imagine. In my opinion, and from the personal experiences that I have had with this form of offensive prayer, I believe that learning how to Plead the Blood of Jesus may be one of the greatest, offensive, spiritual weapons that you can have in your arsenal. Here are the prayer points youre looking for. Daily Prayer To Pray Down Spiritual Attack 11. O Lord, empower me to resist satan so that he would flee from me. Let the blood of Jesus redeem me from the power of sin. My blood is transfused with the blood of Jesus. Theres power in the blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus redeem me from all my sins, in Jesus name. It could be marriage, finances, business, etc. I will keep praying the blood of Jesus on everything and everybody and also on all the children and on the adults, I will keep praying that more people will know about JESUS CHRIST AND GOD our heavenly father and the holy spirit. O Lord, ignite my career with Your fire. -Through the blood of Jesus, I have been redeemed out of the hands of the devil. The Academy of Light Prophetic Magazine, What The LORD is Saying Today February 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today January 2023, What The LORD is Saying Today December 2022, What The LORD is Saying Today November 2022. Excitement in The Church | Increased Anointing | No Retirement in God! Here. If there is any curse, hex or spell of any kind affecting me, I hereby bind it & cast it away & render it void & null, by The Blood of Jesus. I will give you both parts of this prayer the initial prayer that you will go to God the Father with to make the initial full surrender, and then the second part of this prayer that will continue to keep you under this full surrender with the Lord for the rest of your earthly life. I plead the blood of Jesus to settle my case today. Through the blood of Jesus, all my sinsareforgiven. The Joseph Plan Worldwide Christian Ministry is the personal ministry of What I saw when I viewed the photos was breathtaking. So be it. Without Gods maximum protection, anyone of us can get hit by these types of severe storm clouds. By the Blood of Jesus, every owner of evil load, carry your load in the Name of Jesus. In this case, you simply Plead the Blood of Jesus on whatever you want Gods full protection on before any attacks could possibly come your way. Henry Gruver- Our visionary. 18. You have to flee. Many Christians, since they have not been properly taught how to engage with the enemy when he does come their way, are drowning in their sea of troubles. Blood of Jesus, pursue poverty out of my life, in the Name of Jesus. Here is how to specifically Plead the Blood on each of the above items. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. And yes, they are just as ugly as they are represented to be. This prayer works. 27. Is Israel becoming that burdemsome stone around the neck of the US? One is for protection where you will Plead the Blood of Jesus on whatever you want protected before any attacks or adversity could come your way. His blood is asking that we would be forgiven and given a future. Those are their choices. 49. 8. You might wonder if it is really as simple as that but that is the Power in the Blood of Jesus. Our salvation was not just a dialogue between Jesus and satan, the bible made us understand that Jesus conquered principalities and powers and made a public spectacle of them, Jesus triumphed over them with His blood and gave us the victory, Colossians 2:15. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. (, Notice in this verse that Jesus gives the twelve apostles power over. So be it, in Jesus' Name. 4. 37. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link: admin@evangelistjoshua.com, or through this Email: dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. The Blood of Jesus is a battle-weapon; through it, you can achieve the following: 1. His supernatural power is now fully available to all of us in order to help us handle some of the storm clouds that can come against us in this life. I apply the blood of Jesus to separate me from the sin of my ancestors. A few years later, she started a YouTube channel, also called Latterrain333., Now apply disinfectant to get rid of corona, But covenant people apply blood of Jesus to live in victory, Amen I remember the dream I had one time last year saying that there will always be witchcraft but we are covered by the blood of Jesus, Your email address will not be published. Before I go into exactly how to Plead the Blood of Jesus and all of the different things that you can Plead the blood against, I will first give you the Scriptural grounds that entitles all Christians to be able to use this form of offensive prayer. Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your car will help prevent you from getting into any type of serious auto accidents, along with helping to prevent any type of break-ins or theft of your car. but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. (Daniel 11:32). Please give the above prayer and information good prayerful consideration. 32. So be it. And I say, let the blood quicken all that is dead within me. 60 Deliverance Prayer Using The Blood Of Jesus. 1. Thank You Father for the benefits and provision of the blood of Jesus. 2. By the blood of Jesus i declare my victory over sin, satan and his agents and the world. 3. I plead the blood of Jesus over every stubborn problem in my life in Jesus name. How and why to plead and pray The Blood of Jesus Prayer for Protection. The Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual is the textbook for the Spiritual Warfare Training Course offered by The Joseph Plan. There are a million and one things that could come against anyone of us at any time. In the Name of Jesus, I am healed. I will also give you the Scriptural grounds that entitles all Christians to be able to use this form of, I believe that we are truly heading into end time waters as prophesied in the Bible. Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your finances will help protect you from all of the scammers and con artists who are out there trying to scam and steal all of your hard earned money. Great prayers But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been. I paralyze and cut off the head of Goliath with the blood of Jesus. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy, and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19). And now, LORD, I have taken the blood from the basin and transferred it to my own personal needs by the hyssop of my testimony. AMEN [1]. Jesus, please forgive me of all my sins & release me from all guilt & from the past. Holy Ghost fire sanitize my conception with the blood of Jesus. Spiritual parasites in my life, be disgraced, in Jesus name. I plead the blood of Jesus over any sick person in my family. Help all your people bought with the precious blood of Christ. FIRST, there are 2 main pre-requisites to declaring HIS BLOOD: 1) ONE must be completely surrendered, submitted and humbled before HIM. Only born-again, Christian believers can use the blood of Jesus for deliverance and protection. Here are some extremely powerful verses from Scripture specifically telling us this: Notice the emphasis on the word blood in these verses. Yoke-breaking: Whenever you plead the Blood of Jesus, people and things are set free from any kind of yoke. Here are several good verses from Scripture proving this point to you: What defeated Satan and all his dark powers? 2. You can check them out here at the Spiritual Warfare Book Store (Book Shop) on the top menu bar. It is the same way in the New Testament. It gets a little trickier when Pleading the Blood against something that may have already come against you. Webwarfare prayer cru, prayer decrees on pleading the blood of jesus post, warfare prayers and decrees conciencia radi by cetpass16, anointed child of god prayer gt spiritual warfare, yes my enemies are in trouble warfare prayer points, warfare prayer2 where peaceful waters flow, spiritual warfare prayers by neville salvetti, prayers decrees 43. And this will now lead us right into the next section, the personal testimonies of our website where I have written up some of the victories that have been obtained by giving the appropriate battle advice on each one of these unique and different battle situations. Let the joy of the Lord strengthen me. Amen. 3. Thus, creating a boundary that the enemy cannot cross. Jeremiah found the Word of God and did eat it, and it became the joy of his heart. This full surrender to the Lord is where many Christians are really missing the boat with Him. Pastor Thomas Holm Author of the Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual Visit our bookstore for extensive spiritual warfare teachings. This is why each of you will have to make up your own personal list. Christians can either choose to remain passive with their heads stuck in the sand, hoping that neither they nor any of their close loved ones will ever come under any kind of direct human or demonic attack or they can choose to learn how to rise up in the power of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and learn how to spiritually defend themselves using spiritual warfare techniques as given to us out of the Bible! If your life is pure and you lay your hands on any sickness, pleading theBlood of Jesus, it will vanish. 54. I apply the blood of Jesus to every stubborn problem in my life. Before I go into the specifics on how to Plead the Blood of Jesus for deliverance and protection, there is one more area that each Christian must make a big personal decision on before God will give you this kind of full divine protection. 46. Spiritual Warfare Prayer #1 #PrayersByAnna Dear God, You're always good. Holy Ghost fire, destroy every satanic garment in my life, in the name of Jesus. Convert, pay up or move! Please read, study and pray before attempting to use this prayer for offensive purposes. Lion of Judah 2.94M subscribers Subscribe 19K 583K views 2 years ago As you will see in some of the stories in the Testimonies section of our site, you can Plead the Blood of Jesus against specific types of attacks such as attacks from demons or other evil people, any kind of physical illness or disease, or any kinds of addictions like drugs and alcohol. In the name of Jesus, I capture and destroy every power behind any career failure. An Enduring Faith that will keep you safe during these last days. THEREFORE, Satan has no place in me, now power over me through the blood of JESUS, I renounce him, loose myself from him and command him to leave me now in the name of JESUS CHRIST. Hence, the CHURCH IS TO APPROPRIATE THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! I hold the blood of Jesus against you, you spirit of(mention what is troubling you). That Blood was not shed in vain; it was shed for forgiveness, deliverances, protection, etc. You shed YOUR precious blood on the cross. Deliverance prayers for stubborn cases. That old serpent, the dragon, that the Bible talks about, saying: Woe unto the earth and the sea There is a weapon that can overcome it. So be it, in Jesus' Name. The Bible tells us that God is all-powerful and that there is nothing that He cannot do or accomplish. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their time. I draw the blood line of protection around my property. I believe the number one reason why so many Christians are coming under such heavy attacks from both demons and evil people in this world is because they do not have Gods. When you plead the Blood of Jesus, things begin to happen. I am pleading the blood of Jesus upon my body system. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. 39. In the Name of Jesus, I hereby claim The Blood of Jesus over me. With the blood of Jesus, let every stranger militating against my progress, be arrested. There is a weapon that has never lost its power, but people have not learnt to use it; whereas, it is highly effective. Every blood of an animal affecting my destiny, dry up by fire, in Jesus name. There was no evidence that the early apostles ever pled the blood to heal, to cast out demons, or to get Gods basic protection on them. I am really bless with this prayers, may God richly bless you so much and increase the oil in your life. Let the Word build me up and give me inheritance amongst all sanctified brethren. Through the BLOOD OF JESUS, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart to GOD. Let the blood of Jesus 36. In the Name of Jesus, I hereby rebuke porn, wrongful sexual lust, homosexuality, sexual perversion. By the blood of Jesus, you can overule every satanic verdict of the devil over your life in Jesus name. In the Name of Jesus, I hereby rebuke paganism, witchcraft, sorcery, luciferism, cutting, & anything else that could possibly be hindering my Salvation in Jesus Christ. In this article, I will show you exactly how to plead the Blood, what to plead it on, some of things that you can plead it against, and how frequently you will need to plead it in order to get Gods maximum protection on you and your specific set of circumstances. It is one of the most powerful prayers one can learn. All my pdf books are donation priced and available for free for the asking. Please visit their site. Enduring in faith placing our total trust in God that will sustain us to the appointed time. the joseph plan (at) aol.com. There are two ways that you will use the Pleading of His Blood. Many Christians only know about the first one forgiveness. 45. Life-giving power: to revive anyone or anything that is dead. People ask me Sir, Eva, I need your professional help and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can solve all their problems! I sprinkle the blood of Jesus on all my properties. 34. Most Christians have never been taught how to use spiritual warfare so they can directly engage with an enemy head on like David did with Goliath. Islam Rising! *** In prayer the Lord will guide you. (Obviously, others have seen them also.). You can plead the Blood of Jesus over your journey, the road, the vehicle or aircraft, etc. You can release the rain of your the blessings of heaven of your life and destiny. All my blessings, hindered by invisible barriers, receive fire and locate me now, in the name of Jesus. For those of you who really want to learn how to arm and defend both yourself and your close loved ones when these attacks do come your way, read on. On March 10th 2018 I woke up the words:The 12th Appropriation. All the basics of Deliverance are here. I believe and accept that you are my kinsman redeemer. You must confirm your participation. And let your enemies be scattered! I stand on the ground of the blood of Jesus to proclaim victory over sin, satan and his agents and the world. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. All of Pastor Thomas ebooks are available in our book store. Some of us maybe today. In this case, you simply Plead the Blood of Jesus on whatever you want Gods full protection on before any attacks could possibly come your way. As he was shedding that blood, Israel that was attacking them, got confused. In the Name of Jesus, I command any & every spirit of confusion that may be afflicting me, to immediately depart & never return. In the hands of a true believer, with a repentant and surrendered heart, one can truly see the mountains be moved. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. I soak my life in the blood of Jesus in Jesus name, 6. I plead the blood of Jesus upon the surname of my family. God now has a perfect plan and destiny all set up for your life. 14. Let the blood of Jesus speak victory and prosperity unto my life. I call it positional authority. I I apply the blood of Jesus over my dream life. I claim OUT LOUD the BLOOD OF JESUS over all my loved ones, my property, my body, my health, my possession and my ministry. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. In the name of Jesus Christ, I am a beloved child of God. For further information or counseling, you can contact me at everydayprayerguide@gmail.com or Chat me up on WhatsApp And Telegram at +2347032533703. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. We provide many ways for you to strengthen your faith. Places where we thought we were safe are no longer safe. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Today, I pray that any wolf assigned against your life, shall die in the Name of Jesus. As I eat and drink the flesh and blood of my Lord Jesus Christ, I renew my covenant with Him and I receive the life therein; for it is written, life is the blood. Effectiveness in one of the most dramatic dramas of spiritual Warfare Manual Visit our bookstore for spiritual... Prayers one can learn the road, the church | spiritual warfare prayer points using the blood of jesus Anointing | No in. Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie you, you can overule every satanic of! Shed in vain ; it was shed for forgiveness, deliverances, protection anyone! 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