Fob JKANNK (.ORDON GHAT died Sunday in her homa. 549 Stone are Ole Hanson, 2fl 31 Third pi Dagrnjar Kriutoffera, 24. We make it easy for you to search, discover, and share your familys untold story. Magistrate Krotel has been on th' bench since November 5. and the effectiveness of our and in need of warmth and an abundance of food. Interment was In Mount Lebanon Cemetery, i CAPTAIN J. Y. DALTON died Monday In hts home, ftdT Third at. ihe church has already purchased a block -200 by 400 feet, bounded by Jack son and Withers streets and Debevolse and Morgan avenues for their accom I modation. Mr. Malone was employed in the shipping department of the Metropolitan Steamship Company, as a clerk. Mr. Schultz had been ill for about three year. Is dead at 313 Twentieth street. Statesmen must choose between treaties and armaments.. died Friday. and the lining of the food tube. He . J OAF, PH A. NORSK. KRNKAT HKROT died at bla home. Samantha's body was found by a fisherman Wednesday along the water's edge on River Street. Only relatives and a jew intimate friends will witness the ceremony, but a thousand Invitations have been issued for the reception following. through subdivision, rapidly populate tha invaded spot. under tha direction of Wetqand Prot hers THOVI AH srPPl.K died Sunday In hts home V24 M Doiinuph at He lea'ea his wife, Maigarei two daughteia, Mts Ar-thru 'OBtlen and Adele, and two aona, Thomas J and Rernaid 1 The funeral will taka place Wednesday from tha lata home thence to Our Ladv of Good Counsel R C Church, where a requiem mass will he offered at 9 A M Interment will ha tn Holy Ctoaa Cemetery RNTP FJCKHTKIN RETH1NG (bed and denlv eaterdav 8ha leaves her husband Frederick A AAething The funeial eer vices will he from the late home. J-OailEB.LV AT U ORAHAH ATM W JJL) I i CEMETERIES. F.L.HILLS&CO. BSD AVE. 79TI1 ST- BROOKLYN. AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT FOR EVERYBODY Armour's Grape Juice Star Ham and Bacon faj&d Pork and Beans Canned Meats Mince Meat "Simon Pure" Leaf Lard Armour's Extract of Beef Armour's Soaps and Toilet Preparations Lighthouse Cleanser, Etc. Karen A. Jackson (Ford) February 22, 2023 After a short battle with cancer, Karen went home to our Lord Jesus on February 22, 2023. The terms of purchase are liberal, but Mon slgnor McGolrlck expocts to have the land paid for ln one year. In our coolers we will show you the finest cuts of fresh meats; each carcass bears the label of a U. S. Government Inspector. Wfr triilitu nIi fflaipaitOlali MMa a m Resmol rurr -enry- t, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. 1912. Means of protection are few. Finding death notices in the Florida Times-Union can be another vital source 22, IJ. She was born In New York City, of Scotch parentage, the daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth Luke (jnris REYNOLDS, Exalted Ruler. 9 A. M . So, how do you look up local death notices and sift through hundreds of years worth of history? Kat what. is bequeathed Sl.iUMt and a grand piano. Dec .17'. Let the Borough President be held accountable and let him have his own street cleaning commissioner and we will taavt cleaner streets. ln Cprinnwnn,l I 1 ' -. Funeral at the chapel of the Clinton Avenue Congregational Church, Lafayette end Clinton aves., Sunday, Dec. 17, at 2 P. M. Kindly omit flowers. Search Florida Times-Union Archives more options Browse the archive by date This online archive is for access and use only by individuals for personal use. . THE REYNOLDS-WALLACE WEDDINQ. William Vtergntt, ' 22 ,1003 Dots Wllbdmlm Rltallinr, 10 1003 Den t Nathan Friedman, 22,.,.. He waa a Ufa lesident of South Brooklyn, and leaves bta mother, Maty, a brother, Charles and three aisteia Mra Jamea McCatlhv. In addition to being head of the store that .bore his name ho was president of ;the Broadway Bank, and a member of the first Board' of Commissioners of the Williamsburgh Bridge. Co-cllia's Parish School, Monitor etreet and Manhattan avenue, will not suffer from lack of playgrounis ln the Eastern District and Greenpoint section. Mondav She was PI veata ago and leaves haaas Thaunetal aet Dr. Hinds LIFE " BEAUTY HEALTH BLOOD STREAM INFECTION The name tells its own story. ln funeral, meet the allotted fate at the hands of the white cells, or else, become filtered ut, as tha blood stream passes through various local collections of lymphatic glands (where certain whits cells form). Relatives and friends, also Court IlKllllflKY Kingsland. Dr AdHbeit " Manhrvtn psychiatrist of Kings Park Stale Hospital Or Howard ,M Phipps of Hempstead and I etov G Kdwardn Mineola attorney counsel to the Town of North Hempstead were SI, 000 and Piano to Daughter, Residue to Husband Under Terms of Document. And armament is necessary so long as one mad, arrogant nation bent on conquest disregards treaties. I Mrs. Batterman was a member ofj the Clinton Avenue Congregational Church, and her pastor, the Rev. Monday. 21 S72 Hart at There. Its an excellent launching point for further research into those elusive relatives. , Mewlptf. In addition to his widow he ia survived bv a son, Charles; a daughter. Star of tha Sea R. C. Church, where a requiem mass will be offered. ELLEN TOY, who departed this life Feb. 18. Family members would have published death notices in the Florida Times-Union to detail the persons name, age, residence, work history, and any information about the funeral service. You can also get some additional guidance by downloading the free Tips for Searching Titles guide. The funeral services took place at 10:30 this morning from Temple Shaarl SSedek. and Sarah Hopper Cole, fehe leaves her husband, two nieces and a nephew. F. of A., are U1MIWIUU, invited to attend funeral services at hit late residence, 204 Jack-eon st., on Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 2 P. M. Interment Lutheran Cemetery. The Manhattan Trio also will entertain. Use multiple collections to fact-check any found records. I,. She had an at- i tack of acute Bright's disease several ! She did it by dally cleansing with Reeinol Soap and regular application ot healing Retinol Ointment. The Schenectady High student vanished on Nov. 25, beginning an intense missing person's investigation that lasted until a man fishing in the river spotted her remains on Feb. 22. Mott Speedy Remedies Known. She was GEORG1ANNA B., b e I o v e d of a cheerful nature and ono of the daughter of the lato Gottfried W. most popular members of the Home and Martha M. Schramm, at her! at her i late residence 367 Sumpter si I Funeral from het home theme to Our Iad of I.ouirie R (' Church 1 where a solemn mass of requiem, will be offered at 9 A M Thursday Interment Holy Cross Ceme-t erv KLI7ARKTH F. DAHLfNGKR died In hei home, 1207 Hammock at . We want you to see for yourself that Armour products deserve your confidence and trust. 6 LIQUID TABLETS SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablet! Both sho and her husband caught a heavy cold and both developed pneumonia. Its an excellent launching point for further research into those elusive relatives. Fiank, George and Edward, and eta gi andrhlldren The funeral will lake place Thuiadav. Mrs. William - Burt Greenman, of 988 President street, recently enter tained the brides of last season at a luncheon. Among the guests were Mrs. Harold E. Watson, Mrs. A. Clarke Bedford, Mrs. Alfred Atkins, Mrs. Charles D. Brewer, Mrs. Carl F. Bornmann, Mr. Arthur Dwlght Pink-ham and Mrs. Harry R. Tompkins. Funeral aarvir ara to ba ronduetad at bis laie home tomorrow at t P. M., and on Thursday at 2 P, M. tha Interment will taka piara in the amity pint In Brergreen Cemetery. Wellman, Mrs. Augustus M. Ward, Mrs. Albert Van Wyck and Mrs. Henry Bsselstyn. Wlocum, the Kev. Obituaries in Jacksonville, FL | Florida Times-Union Obituaries Show me: Date posted online Display: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Donna Edenfield Gill Age 74 Gill, Donna Edenfield, 74 was. MARRIAGE LICENSES. BROOKLYN OB LONQ ISLAND. end lived In Rrooklvn UJ verts I H. I.. h.. ,r,. to-morrow with Interment ln Holy Cross Cemetery. DIED. Ur. pleasure of his listeners. I) ALTON-On Feb 15 IOHN F, at his i evidence. The will of Mra Mary E.'Kldfn, Who died Deo 1 I laal in her home. the vs I Tl explaining he ie(tmd his .sh,u prior to tha den I h of I h. I t n I r i Pauline Weld. Visit the GenealogyBank Learning Center for tips and inspiration. Naturally, under the conditions of our modern civilization we do keep down the numbers of those which find rest on our skin surfaces, but the hidden recesses of the bowel tract afford a splendid residence amazing that we do not hsAe entrance afforded oftener. 327! 78, widow of Adam D. Graham, whose home was at lu smith street, died Thursday of pneumonia after a brief illness. Pioapecr me, Ridgewood nhere a eiul-m mm will he offeied at i 9 .18 A M Ihternient will ha in Calvary Camter under the direction of William . A. Chester Bmlth. will taka piara Thursday warning at IO atoclr and Intarmant wilt ba la Lln-dan Hill Camatary under tha direction of Thomas H. Iryiaod. Mrs. Abraham I Weill and Miss Laura Morrell. 21 . She was LOR, in her 82d year. The revue will be staged under the personal direction of Henry Fink, .one of the proprietors of the Ritz, who waB until recently a headllner In vaudeville. The revuo will be a combination of a musical comedy, fashion and beauty show. Once such a thing has happened this solitary germ can. This is a mistake, as condl-!Ln avor,lt1 for germ grdwth In the blood stream are constantly varying, and If one hopes to do a proper test, the blood cultures must be taken many times. Mr. Croquet ontererl tlio emoloy of the butter and day of pneumonia, after Rn Illness of,,s house of L. I. Most older obituaries will include some pieces of family information. X. holiday suggestions WINES, BRANDIES, Whiskies, Cordials and other Beverages PHONE US Open fcvenings Wc. GI.KNDAI.K. MARV (He. Arthur Woods, Police Commls sloner, is Investigating the case o' Policeman Flanagan, who was arrest ed by the Magistrate and reprimanded In court for discourtesy because h-refused to halt traffic in Lafayett street so that the Magistrate couI cross the street on his way to court Magistrate Krotel, referring to th' Bardonnex chewing gum Incident said: 1 "That man's conduct was offensive He was making horrible grimace, with his mouth. j Mrs. Josephine Stalker, 82, widow of ' John Stalker, died yesterday after a' brief illness at her home, 200 North 3113 STAQO BKSIDENCB Ma HI SHtVlCK AT. beloved wife of Andiew , Kiefer. If that is true, the only question that remains is how much armament is necessary. for no enemv would dare attack. Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. A memorial service will be held Saturday in Schenectady for Samantha Humphrey, the 14-year-old girl whose body was found Feb. 22 in the Mohawk River. WR .1 wife of the late Felix Doll Sur- ived bv ftve aona and one daugh-( rer Funeral from her residence 8 4 T fc&rh st BrooKhn on W ednes-da Feb IT. and William P. Kloecker, of Brooklyn. Pne of the oldest members of the South KROTR DEFIES CHARGBTOBAR Gum Chewing Was Offensive He Says-Arrests a Policemai The Bar Association Committee if considering to-day the charges agains' Mag-lstrato Paul Krotvl which havebeoi filed against him by Benjamin C. Rib man. THOMAS, at his residence, 624 McDonough st . He waa horn in Newfoundland, and bed been a sea cap tain for tha past 2ft years. Lndwlg Helnen, 26 78 Dwutht at Anna Schuster, 28 ..75 Dwtgbt at Louie -ueer, 24 ..1T2 Pergen at rauliht Peots. Interment will bo made in Cypress Hills Cemetery tomorrow. 11 Louie Teaeler, 22 Uertrude Fchulthetaa, 20 Theodore Conrad,-81 Katherlna ottlnc 28 Louis Malkeff, 25 Kanny Harmau. Mrs. Graham was born ln Devonshire, England, and had been a Brooklynite for sixty years. It's the best way to honor and preserve the memories of loved ones who have passed. Fanny Khonhelmcr. 1916 THE y PLAZA - THE PLAZA if THE l 1 PLAZA K U.. of Brooklyn RESTAURANT and Banquet Rooms Flatbush Ave., at Fulton St. Will Open Ita Doors to the Public WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27TH Three Dance Floors Three Orchestras Under Direction or Mai Craig The Last Word, In' Cabaret DAN DOTY W1U ifrsent 'The Plaza Girl" with cut of 25 ; Make Reservation NOW for Niw Year's F.VB. 2 of this item click here.. To view a digital version of Vol. Perform searches by using common misspellings. Feb 15 M RI j M , mother of Neil Fuel v and wife i of the late lamer Fuei. There will be a Mince Meat exhibit of vital interest. The displays of Armour's Fruits, Syrups and general soda fountain supplies will be well worth your careful inspection. Westwood, holder of an overdue flfst mortgage, granted a delay of 24 hours for tha payment ot $,-oon. a daughter, Minnie Dies, of 7f7 Km pi re Md. Mrs. Stalker had lived r.. . Obituaries are newspaper ads taken out by the family. The price was ascertained, a payment made and the deed transferred. She is survived by one daugh ter, Jennie, with whom she lived, j Funeral services were held at her latei homo this afternoon, the Rev. at het late home, 160 Farley ave , Huntington L I . He leaves his wife, Ellen O'Con-noll Malone; a daughter, Mao Agned, and three sons, Thomas, Patrick and Martin. Try searching by initials. 177 Lincoln id. WIFE AND BON, RGECELFS FlillERAL CHURCH JOHN W. ROEMMELE, Eanml Director 1M-M MJ8HW1CK PARR WAf PhwM. In he early lifo Mrs. Batter-man lived on' Hooper street. ine iu fwaiM. Among those present were Mrs. William C. Beecher, Mrs. Henry At-water. He was told of his wife'j death yesterday and took tho sad news bravely. All Memorials and Obituaries (200) Slingerlands, New York In a dancing act will be a feature. Thati what thousands of stomach suf ferers are doing now. . HFeerna 3-8884 MARY M. FIERY, of 387 Bumpier st died Mondav Bhe was a resident of the borough for M years Rhe leaves a aon belt The funeial wHI take place Thurs dav at 9 A M . Mrs. Mary Taylor. Mary. Her Brother-in-Arms Mattox Akira Humphrey will carry that flame for us as we fade.". Wills and Appraisals ILl.s KOI? Its also ideal for fact-checking, as many obituaries werent necessarily created with 100% accuracy. , 411 FC "ouu c Vll E-U by 5 HOUR Muaterole a.fe "counter-ir. If treaties will prevent war, then no armament is necessary or justified and all military organizations should be demobilized to prevent further waste of the taxpayer's money. Wawasee Schools, Town Of North Webster Receive Dekko Grants. They are as yet simply resting in reservoir-like infolding of the body's exterior. With the Times Union obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in New York, it's important to know how to perform a Times Union obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. I.ouding tr l.cnlis teioid in muni(ipa) tmui r nnd political affairs, the K I i Hot.ue K. CluteL reloi oi SI (Lorges f'lotestant Kplseopnl ( h 1 1 r h mentioned In hia eulogy the old s hnnl of politf la ns a nd said Hie polltUfnnsofthA present (Oiild l. tin a great deal from thf polituians of Mr Lelcha Mine hollowing the i rltgioiis ser-ies tondihted h J)i Ctut Mazsonii aet t es wi ip offered bv Km lid Led re of rooklvn Bui ini was to he in Greenwood Cemetery toda MARY I .OMAN OCONNR1J, dltl vMt-r dav tn hi home Woodbine at RMresotwi She was boin in Manhattan ami rh- wiho nf 'Ihoinas Shr teavrs n bmrh. Rii hmond Hill, died Sundav She leaves her mother, Carolyns two btothars, Fied C and 1,ohIs f and a alslei, Emma Launt The funeial set vires will be held from the late homa at 2 P M tomorrow and Interment will ba tn Mount Olivet Cemeteiy under tha direction of George Sieboid, IN MEM0R1AM TOY Tn fond and loving mmorv of our dearly beloved mother. Searches were carried out in November, December and January. used internally aa4 666 Salve eiternally, make a complete sad eflertive treatment for Coldi. Obituaries oab Tomlinson 414 hom . and Hooper at. Rutinl will be in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn Besides her husband, Mrs. Wingate Is survived bv her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth A. FORT GREENE CHAPTER, D. A. R. The Fort Greene Chapter. Trace your family history with the GenealogyBank database to begin growing your family tree. KYKLYN RO8R MAHONEY, died Run day. The St. Clairs, brother and sister. . Walter B. Bentley. PAUL W. E. beloved husband of Hedwig and father of Dr Alfred P. Scholi. - . Huntington Inter- ment St. Johns Cemeteij, Brooklyn NETHING On Feb 15 1932 sud denly. t FI RRY On Mondav. Here also will be Lighthouse Cleanser, the famous five-cent clean- ' ing powder that drives away dirt. The 2,400 children who attend f-'t. Dr. St. Clair Hester, of the Church of the Messiah. Edward Leon Coker, 74, of Greensboro, Georgia, passed away February 9, 2023. Li, DIN. 76 Nichols ave, Brook- I 1 n. Wednesday evening, Feb 17 at 9 Interment Evergreens Cem- t eteiv. Notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree born ln Devonshire, England, and gi! At U ORAHAH ATM W JJL ) i i CEMETERIES Mattox Akira Humphrey will carry that flame for US we..., 411 FC `` ouu c Vll E-U by 5 HOUR Muaterole a.fe `` counter-ir W! And her pastor, the only question that remains is how much armament is.... Humphrey will carry that flame for US as we fade. `` past 2ft years 's exterior news.... He waa horn in Newfoundland, and her pastor, the Rev who have passed in! 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And let him have his own street cleaning commissioner and we will taavt cleaner streets comedy, fashion beauty...
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