My back arched without thought, and a hidden, reckless part of me wished I could will those fingers lower -, Casteel: "And now? At some point, the story needs to move past the discovery phase and into the action phase. He claimed my lips as if he were staking a claim to my very soul. ", Vonetta: "Apparently, you have a habit of it. If I could, I suspect life would be easier, but I don't even want to try, to be honest. Kieran. It was just a love lap. I love her unyielding strength and courage. When the others ditch them for their partners, Gwyn and Elain spend Girls' Night together. ", Poppy: "Don't whine. I will give you the honor of becoming my husband, because you're already worthy of me. I have been very devoted to LUX being my favorite series to date, but I think it's been bumped down to the number 2 slot. Casteel: "There's a vein there, right along your leg, with all these little veins branching off. The way Im going to review this book is as follows: Im going to start with a review of the objective state of this book, then move out to my own interpretations, and then briefly discuss the fan reaction. There is a level of respect and caring that they have for one another. Anyone who has read my reviews of these books before will note that Ive always been hesitant to say much in favor of the general quality of the writing and world-building in these books. A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout is the second book in her Blood and Ash Series, and starts off essentially where we left off in From Blood and Ash, with Poppy in the hands of Casteel/Hawke, struggling with the heartbreak from Hawke's betrayal, and trying to figure out what the truth is. But more importantly, he would've stuck to the plan he spent years cultivating, and we would've already been halfway to Carsodonia to exchange you for his brother. Casteel stared at me, the corners of his lips curving up. I bit him extra hard for that.". Back in their room, Casteel lets Poppy know that the wolven heard her calling them out in the field during battle. and right there, basically, is all the dialogue that happens during this book. But it is one I will protect until my dying breath. To work with him to get both of their brothers back. ", Poppy: "I will not pretend to be the docile fiance without an audience. ", Poppy: "Some deserve a punch in the face. I'm expecting some insane drama resulting from the reveal though. If you haven't read it yet, first of all, do it now. 6 Stories. She is raised by Coralena Balfour and Leopold Balfour as one of their own children. ", Poppy: "Really? I wanted you, and I wanted to find a way to try to keep you. This is not good representation and instead plays into very negative stereotypes about the entire lifestyle. ", Poppy: "I was the Maiden, nearly groomed my entire life to remain pure and focused only on my Ascension. I read the relationship dynamic between Poppy and Kieran as two people bonding and grieving over loss together, and as JLA making a clear distinction that Poppy doesn't see Kieran as a family member . ", Kieran: "Only because you wanted to do violent and terrible things to me. I immediately thought of the Joining, and the humor dancing across Casteel's face was evidence that he knew where my mind had gone. I'm not like you two. We stood there for several moments, and at any time, if either of us turned our heads just the slightest, our lips would have met. My lips slowly parted as I realized what the lumpy, red mass was. 2 years after her sister Alice's mental breakdown, things seem back to normal. ", Kieran: "No matter how hard you try with that knife you just swiped, you will not be able to kill Cas with it. ", Poppy: "What we have is simply an impersonal agreement and nothing more.". You smell like honeydew. . Neither of us will fall. Actually, there is something I want to ask. ", Poppy: "That wasn't what I was going for. When I didn't, he cupped my left cheek. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. But he was the first thing I'd ever truly chosen for myself.". Sep 30, 2022 - Penellaphe could run me over with a truck and I'd thank her. To me it felt like she kinda eased us into it since we pretty much saw this coming. Accepting him and and allowing myself to feel what I did f or him was a betrayal to those who were lost in all of this, and it felt like a betrayal to myself. If the author had wanted to write a polyamory romance, thats fine! #forbiddenlove #fantasy #royal #enemiestolovers #marriageofconvenience #mates #touchheranddie #fakerelationship #alpha #plussize, 2020by The Rambling Book Nerd. I still stand by the fact that having outside characters say um, hey, whats up with you and this other man whos not your husband is a sign that the emotional support youre building might be straying across a line into something inappropriate. That doesn't mean that it was okay, but I could understand why. She doesn't like the word arousal. It undoes me, Poppy. And shes far too reckless, too hungry, to resist the temptation. ", Naill: "That did not look like a love tap. ", Casteel: "She is unique and brave, intelligent and beautiful. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. thelibraryladiesmn says: ", Casteel: "I feel like this is a trick, and you're two seconds from trying to plunge that knife into my heart again. This book showed many of the same flaws. Nothing will stop Poppy from freeing her King and destroying everything the Blood Crown stands for. ", Casteel: "You have a beautiful smile. Casteel: "But I was once told that the best relationships are the ones where passions run high.". Some thoughts on Poppy x Cass x Kieran The Joining. He cares for you just like you care for him despite the lies and the betrayal. He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the center of my palm. Lay you out on the rocks and lick every inch of your body. It would probably only further endear you to him. ", Alastir: "And you will likely change your tune fairly quickly.". He gives her freedom to make her own choices, even when he is unhappy with them. Wait. The Crown of Gilded Bones Jennifer L. Armentrout (Blood and Ash #3) Publication Date: April 20, 2021 Paperback, 659 pages, Blue Box P. I honestly was thinking that she would be bonded with Poppy at some point, but considering what we find out in the end, Poppy doesn't really need a bonded wolven, as technically, all wolven are bound to protect her. But I definitely agree with what youre saying about Kieran now seeming to be the epitome of a third wheel. Casteel comes to terms with his feelings first and gives up on the idea of handing Poppy over to the fake Queen. Thanks for your comment! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ", Casteel: "But it would give you great satisfaction. What did I want? ", Poppy: "The dagger was given to me by someone I care about. And no one, not even my father or my mother, will change that. She thought it would kill him. I was actually beginning to wonder if she beat you. ", Casteel: "She speaks the truth. Find your thing. But its also partly that I (and a lot of others, it seems!) <-------. Like, super naked. He made me feel alive. Kieran Contou, Penellaphe Balfour and Hawke Flynn ;) (lets avoid giving out spoilers haha) characters of From Blood And Ash written by Jennifer L. Armentrout Okay, it was about time, that I drew my favorite lovers, so here they are . I took her. ", Poppy: "You're about to get a love tap to your face.". You're a giant oaf, but not that giant of an oaf. Read the full disclosure here. ", Kieran: "Well, you do have a habit of doing exactly that.". I shrieked my frustration - my irritation - at him. And the only reason why any of that changed is because once he got to know you, he started to care for you.". ", Poppy: "As far as me being a liability? Do poppy casteel and kieran get together. And if the whole world saw that mark between your pretty thighs, I'd have to then kill the whole world.". ", Kieran: "You look like you want to do that now. Someone is getting stabbed again. Kieran, Casteel, and Poppy are a team. I was not expecting that. With the strength of the Primal of Lifes guards behind her, and the support of the wolven, Poppy must convince the Atlantian generals to make war her waybecause there can be no retreat this time. I hope future books either go in one direction or the other: he becomes more included and the relationships feel more equal (I doubt that tho since Poppy & Cas are heartmates), or less included and is just more of a companion. ", Casteel: "You're beautiful when you're quiet and somber, but when you laugh? 2020by The Rambling Book Nerd. That it's a blood exchange that often turns into something, um, more intimate.". ", Kieran: "Casteel will announce you as his fiance. Kieran was always a bit of a third wheel but now it kinda feels like Kieran is a background character who has feelings for Poppy and is there for her emotional support but doesnt get more than that, and I hate that thought. Due to this, my theory is that JLA is going to kill Casteel off in the next book (probably via the blood queen). Casteel had faced all his demons found true love and more or less completed his purpose as a. Feedings . I don't know why I look forward to arguing with you, but I do. His lips curled into a half-grin, revealing the dimple in his right cheek. Casteel: "I do so prefer hand-to-hand combat with you.". ", Poppy: "Yes. And you know that. ", Casteel: "Gods, you feel You feel like all I could ever want. And trust me, Poppy, those plans made way more fucking sense than this - than all of this.". It's an ache. I started to reach for the clasp of the necklace. Together, Poppy and Casteel must embrace traditions old and new to safeguard those they hold dearto protect those who cannot defend themselves. ", Casteel: "I don't like the way he looks at you.". ", He laughed as his lips skimmed the side of my throat, Casteel: "Your penchant for violence isn't anything to be ashamed of. ", Poppy: "I felt your hunger, Casteel, and I don't need to do this. Phillips and Penellaphe race toward the stables, and Hawke kills Phillips. To be honest, every day I half-expected to find the Prince sliced up in all the ways a man fears. And just so you know, the only reason I didn't end your life the second I learned that you stabbed him in the heart is because he care for you. Web Does Kieran He is so devastatingly in love with Poppy and is trying so hard to give her freedom and make her choice. ", Casteel: "Blessed be the gods, someone mark the date and time. ", Poppy: "How is me threatening to stab you going to convince anyone that this engagement is real? There were plenty of hints in the book that a possible threesome might happen at some point, and while I usually wouldn't mind that level of smut, I just don't see it. In my heart. Hard., Kieran: You do smell like him, but thats not it. Casteel: "Would you fret with worry if I was?". ", Casteel: "I mean, all we're doing is sleeping side by side. His hand drifted lower, over the flap of buttons on my pants. Working with Casteel instead of against him presents its own risks. ", Elijah: "I also haven't gotten the chance to congratulation either of you on the upcoming nuptials. ", Poppy: "Being myself would likely mean arguing with you constantly -", Casteel: "And threatening to stab me. ", Casteel: "Is it necessary for you to make it sound like we'd be doing something other than sleeping? Because I didn't throw it at your face this time? I could still feel Casteel's stare. ", Poppy: "In my defense, I felt bad afterward. He is convinced that Hawke and Kieran have led them into a trap. It's just that I would've paid good money to see him try to explain that to you. A heart. But when the earth begins to shake, and the skies start to bleed, it may already be too late. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Poppy, Casteel, Kieran - Words: 1,571 - Favs: 6 . Now that Hawke is Poppy's guard, we start getting a lot of swoon-worthy moments. I couldn't because I didn't want to know what he was feeling. S. Thats true, I was shocked it took that long with all the build up to it. ", Casteel: "I go by several names. Casteel: "I'm sorry. I loved him even though I knew I was a willing pawn to him. I expect to hear many stories that involve you throwing down with him. Poppy: "He told me he believed it was the Atlantian blood in him, recognizing mine. What if after Casteel accomplished what he wanted, when he fulfilled his end of the bargain, all that remained was lies and betrayals? I'm Poppy, and you're Casteel, and this is real. ", Casteel: "Just so you know, Penellaphe doesn't need protection. ", Poppy: "No one wants to hear about how many times I've made you bleed. He obviously pushed his daughter into a relationship with Cas to get his bloodline onto the throne, and when that didn't work, he tried to push his niece to marry Cas. Sadthewidow says: I wasnt so much surprised by the actual joining itself, either the physical act (though I think it could have been written better) or the magical motivation for the decision. ", Kieran: "I was just telling her about how you have heightened physical senses. I still have a certain diary with me. And I don't think Kiran and Poppy cleaving together in the way they do for emotional support is half as far fetched as other things in this series. And completely unexpected. I love when you can feel the tension and chemistry between two characters, and it blows me away in this book. "At least, not physically. I'd rather sharpen a sword than knead yeast. intriguing. And I think this was actually part of the problem. He lowered himself to his knees in front me me. The Kieran-Poppy-Casteel Vibes. ", Gently, he pried my fingers from the dagger, Casteel: "I'm just putting this down. Elijah laughed as he clapped his hand on Kieran's shoulder, causing the wolven to stumble. What are you two discussing that has Poppy looking as if she's five seconds away from crawling under the table? Poppy: "Only when it's deserved. The pacing was snail-paced, with very little happening for huge chunks of time. Cas can't even. Im glad you enjoyed it though! Casteel is once again a prisoner of . ", Poppy: "I fell for you when you were Hawke, and I kept falling for you when you became Casteel. Reply. Like your ability to see better than her, and scent her arousal -". . ", Kieran: "Not a minute has gone by since we left the Blood Forest that you aren't threatening Casteel's life. ", Casteel: "It's about us. It's definitely impossible. ", Poppy: "Is it really necessary that the three of us sleep so close? Today. ", Poppy: "I can hate that I'm nothing more than a pawn to you and still understand why I am. Poppy stated that she knew and Hawke and Poppy proceeded to sleep together. Im kinda surprised at myself since Im normally a only one guy to one girl kinda gal but the joining and how it went felt right to me. ", Emil: "I think I can now be counted as one of those taken with you. Wickedly clever? Yet, here we are. She is joined by Kieran, Casteels best friend who hurts almost as much as she does with Casteels loss. I'm just as good with a sword as I am with a bow, and I'm damn good with a bow. Casteels reaction to Poppy telling him she loved him. I need to feel your lips on mine.". The dimple in his right cheek appeared, and then the left. Poppy and Kierans relationship has grown over the four books (well I guess 3 since he wasnt really in most of book 1) and they really emotionally bonded over the grief of Cas being held prisoner. Poppy: "I'd never seen so many in one place. In War of Two Queens, Kieran has been the most wonderful supporter and friend to Poppy. I'm just a little chilled. Dark secrets are at play, ones steeped in the blood-drenched sins of two kingdoms that would do anything to keep the truth hidden. Today? I stared down at the dazzling gold swirl on my palm. ", Casteel: "If you open your senses to me right now, you'll know exactly what I'm feeling. Somewhere along the way, I no longer saw her as a bargaining chip or a tool for revenge. Casteel grunted out a curse. He planted his hands on the carriage wall, caging me in. ", Casteel: "It will be my most prized possession.". Probably better than most here. You'd hate me. Again. Lets dive in, shall we? Language . Like Liked by 1 person. How youve spoken to me doesnt bother me. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Not by any sense of the word. He answers her questions with no judgement, and is honest with her. And even a few of the comments/thoughts by Poppy after they were reunited. Casteel/Hawke and Poppy haven't spent any holidays together in canon, and its New Year's Eve. Kieran: "The truth often is. (LogOut/ Poppy and Casteel update the Council of what is going on with the Queen of Solis, asking to hold back the war and the armies, before the conversation with the Queen as well as their intent to go into Iliseum. ", Poppy: "I know, but I want to be here when Delano comes back. Casteel grew up in Atlantia and was close with his brother Malik, his bonded wolven Kieran, and best friend, Shea. (LogOut/ As the Harbinger of Death and Destruction. ", Casteel: "Everything. A slight laugh escaped me at the unexpected sight. -------> Sure, he kidnaps her but very quickly, it's her choice to stay with him. Cas is super possessive of Poppy except with Kieran, and I think its because Kieran almost feels like an extension of Casteel. Casteel's eyes narrowed into thin slits as his gaze returned to Emil. This was a huge disappointment for me. Casteel and Kieran together is always fun, but -----> Poppy and Kieran? Does anyone else feel like the way JLA writes Poppys relationship with Kieran is odd? Not a single inch isnt stunning. No surprise. ", Casteel: "Even if I wasn't the Prince, I would be up here. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ", Poppy: "Why? Either way, I scrambled to my knees and turned on him, throwing a wild punch. You are a puzzle I want to figure out, but at the same time, don't. It's still within reach in case you want to stab me. Poppy is not only on the verge of losing her heart and being found unworthy by the gods, but also her life when every blood-soaked thread that holds her world together begins to unravel. And Poppy, wouldn't either. I honestly don't get the drama over it, especially now. I really can, but our King and Queen -", Casteel: "Will be shocked and probably greatly annoyed that I have married someone they have never laid eyes on, not to mention someone who is only half-Atlantian and was once the Maiden. ", Casteel: "You look You look beautiful, Poppy. It landed with a fleshy smack. His weight and the heat of his body against my back and the iciness of the snow at my front was a shock to my senses, stunning me. ", Poppy: "Why does everyone act like I'm seconds away from stabbing Casteel? 44 me gusta,Video de TikTok de Poppy (@casteelpop): #jenniferlarmentrout #frombloodandash #Poppy #Casteel #kieran #ashadowintheember #Nyktos #Sera #Nektas #Reaver #jadis #alitf #FleshandFire #Alightintheflame #DeSangreYCenizas.Beso pop para Casteel original sound - officialmyramusic. And this was before I learned what she was. Make you come that way. It's not my fault. ", Kieran: "What took you two so long? His lies are as seductive as his touch. original characters for the world's best stories. ", Poppy: "Your mind always resides in unseemly places. This. Absolutely ". Because I do.". I had plans. I really like Kieran as a character, and honestly, I wish the author had just left him out of some this purely because I would gobble up a spin-off series about him and his own devoted love interest that is only his, not some weird sharing thing where Casteel will always come first for Poppy and Kieran, yeah, is just kind of there, like the family dog as you said so well! She just admitted I was right. My plans changed. The relationship between Casteel, Kieran and Poppy has been building since the second book, especially with all the talk about the joining. She doesn't deny the conflicting feelings she has, she just fights from letting those emotions take over. Rating 4: A case study in how to turn your rabid fan base against you and misunderstand why theyre there in the first place. They're going through the mist of the Skotos mountains. Indeed, Ive said repeatedly that Im really only there for the romance. I expected to be picking up pieces of myself.". Can I have you? I spent those years far from home working to get close to her. ", Kieran: "Wolven body temperatures run higher than normal. Casteel: "Or is it because you don't want to know that it's taking everything in me not to ruin yet another pair of your pants by ripping them off and fucking you so hard that days from now, you'll still be able to feel the extent of my gratitude.". Casteel: I just want you to know that Im not even particularly upset about you questioning what I intend to do. You wound me yet again. She is the reason I came home. I think my mother is going to like you.". Something powerful enough that it has ushered in great change in the past. Kieran: "I'm sorry. Casteel: "I need to feel your breath in my lungs. ", Casteel: "Some say patience is a virtue. Indeed, Im not sure how you can be a fantasy fan and have problems with that! The problem is what I said before: thats not what this series set out to be (or at least theres no rational interpretation of the previous books or authors statements that could lead you to thinking otherwise). ", Casteel: "And I'm so very intrigued now. Casteel sighed as he placed his hand on my back. But I know that many fans were happy with this direction, so to each their own! ", Delano: "Please, no stabbing. ", Poppy: "Because he's naked. ", Poppy: "And that was nowhere near as difficult or as impressive as what you did. I have zero problem with far-fetched things! ", Kieran: "Do me a favor. The War of Two Queens is the fourth book in Jennifer L Armentrout's Bestselling Blood and Ash series. <-------- He is kinda perfect himself. Just you and me, and the tradition of sharing ourselves with one another. Will you do me the honor or allowing me to one day become worthy of you? He grinned. Web Kieran Contou Casteel DaNeer. But if you want to pretend to be just that in private -", Casteel: "I think you will find that I can be impossible charming. So fun to talk about this book with other fans! Thanks for your comment! Oh, my gods. ", Kieran: "Those pants were looser, I suppose. They'd expect someone like you, to be honest. She's like I didn't. But they all heard her And We're Finally Off to Atlantia! ", Poppy: "You look at me like Like you want to eat me.". Masterful. Jansen had passed another story to the Duchess saying that groups that are smaller will attract less attention from other traveler's as well as Craven. And a special treat in this book: at the end, you get a link to read the red pearl scene (From Blood and Ash) from Hawke's perspective, and it's pretty amazing. ", Poppy: "You and I are never going to do anything like what we did before. Um . ------->Holy fucking hell. I will not forget that., Casteel: And I will not be able to forgive you.. ", Casteel: "It's official. ", Kieran: "You should be asleep like them, Your Highness. Yes? Kieran. If that had been all, I wouldve overlooked it. The King wants to use her to send a message. ", Kieran: Too bad, because you need to hear this. I'm pretty sure she's threatened to stab or punch me since then, too. I felt him against me for a brief moment, felt the proof of his words. Kieran doesn't show any interest in Poppy like that. I swallowed, but the knot was still there. That's not why I want to use my abilities. ", Poppy: "The last time his pants actually stayed on! The tight throbbing response to the knowledge made me question my sanity. ", Casteel: "If I'd known those marks were bites, I would've realized what you were right away. ", Kieran: "Perfect timing. Whispers of war have become stronger, and Poppy is at the very heart of it all. ", Casteel: "You don't need to stay up here, Poppy. And I Casteel: "Can I point out that I like how you say, 'our future? Probably the latter. I wanted his mouth on mine, kissing away the lies his lips once spoke. I was veiled, unable to even look someone in the eye if they were allowed to speak with me. Proudly created with. ", Casteel: "Lion. The kind that was so loud and hard, it sounded like it hurt. She understands. ", Poppy: "Kieran? So really this is a "WHY THE HELL NOT, ARMENTROUT" section. Even when Poppy and Casteel are reunited, Poppys mentally bemoaning Kieran not being around. His relationship is an extension of both of them, but it's still separate. Plans that could bind their lives together in unexpected ways that neither kingdom is prepared for. Hetalia ff sortkudos 1 - 20 of 31 Works in Poppy. Elijah: "Told him that if a woman fights with that kind of passion and makes you work that hard to earn even a smile, then that's the kind of woman you want by your side in and out of the bedchamber.". . Slamming the knife down, it scored deep into the wood of the table by the bed, the handle vibrating from the impact. I wasn't ready for that.". We get so many questions answered that developed from From Blood and Ash, and, very much like Poppy, I have so many more questions for the next book. He still tempts her with every breath, offering up all shes ever wanted. Vonetta: "Our poor mother spent many moons attempting to teach me how to bake bread. I wanted his hands on me, washing away all the reasons why I shouldn't. He gives her, to make her own choices, even when he is unhappy with them. My thoughts are if a Poly Ship or alike were ever to happen there would need to be complete trust, a lack of jealousy and be functional much like HeronGrayStairs.
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