The six-year-old was silent for several seconds, quite obviously pondering just how much of his plans he dared reveal to an adult. Suggestions? When one dies he regrets not telling the other he loved him leading to him being revived from death and sent out to correct those regrets lest he never know peace in the afterlife. "Not our families," Neville said stubbornly. You're a strong wizard, you get that from both Frank and my Alice. Harry had let Bruce lead the investigation in trying to find their son. She put up a strong front but she scared and she uses her skills to help harry have a better life saving him but who is there to save her as she suffers in his place??? Only for the Joker to do something shocked Harley. ", The boy pondered this for a moment. Girl get reincarnated into marvel universe where she not only meets the avengers but is in England with harry and watches over him basically raising him even though girl is a child who is also abuse. Harry tries to brew a potion only to pull a Neville. Press J to jump to the feed. What happens when Harrys Hogwarts letter arrives? Site: Archive of Our Own | Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Batman - All Media Types, Young Justice | Published: 2015-10-07 | Completed: 2017-06-17 | Words: 51107 | Chapters: 13/13 | Comments: 555 | Kudos: 2976 | Bookmarks: 568 | Hits: 40960 | ID: 4953046 | Download: EPUB or MOBI, Not quite what you are after, but Fem!Harry gets adopted by Bruce Wayne in Amy Potter Is Batgirl. [4]: "Fork me on GitHub" [5]: "The maintainer". cooking classes london. The night Harry Potter's parents died, Harry wasn't collected by Hagrid in time. hugh o'brian estate; senior analyst job description accenture. Press J to jump to the feed. Harry se posait ces questions depuis que son cur s'tait mis battre plus fort. Bruce himself, although this wasn't known to the world at large, was a powerful, wealthy, pureblood American Wizard. And you said that you would give your life for it. Don't like? Amy "don't call me Amaryllis" Potter never went to Hogwarts, but the Goblet of Fire makes her a compelled competitor in the Triwizard Tournament. "They aren't degrading, but they aren't getting any better either. , , , . ", "Too powerful?" After losing their parents, Harvey and Richard Grayson are adopted by Bruce Wayne. Rated M for a reason! Three years later nine-year-old Neville Longbottom stood in the entry hall of a house not terribly unlike Longbottom lodge. The idea is that Harry is reading a Muggle newspaper about the activities of Gotham's masked vigilante. Please consider turning it on! ", "So you brought him here so that he could end up like me? "Never that. Thread recommendations using linksub(thread_id)! He meets the dark knight (Batman) of the Gotham city one night, felt in love at the first sight of the dark knight hero of Gotham? And Harley noticed the moment Mr. J stop monologuing in mid sentence as his face went from all smiling to a state of pure confusion of his whereabouts as his face look like he just woke up from a dream, then ask if He is alright, Mr. J? He only hoped the boy had found a loving family. From the second he sees the neighborhood, he is sure he wont like them. To say that Bruce was "surprised" would have been a major understatement. He would be sixteen almost seventeen now. 'The sound of a pencil on paper came from in front of him and he looked at the being in front of him in shock. On top of all that he still has a Dark Lord who wants him dead. Lana & Archer have been tasked with assassinating some vaguely significant politician, Bruce & Tony have been appointed the job of protecting him --- it goes about as well as you can imagine. No Slash. Re-done work of the adopted fic When the Wizard Meet Batman by Korchan26. He could see the truth in Alfred's words but to risk a child in his work. The building had a cavernous feel that no amount of furniture could hide. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Voldemort, Q. Quirrell . Durante toda a sua vida, Teddy viu seu pai cuidar dele ou focar no trabalho, nunca namorando srio. 10/10 in every aspect: seamless blending of the universes and lores, humorous when appropriate, and amazing fight scenes. Bruce has less than 48 hours to find a cure, or the city is lost. ", "I don't know what you think I can do," the man said until he took in the driven expression on the boy's face. ------------------------------------------, I'm back babes! Side stories and Back stories will be held here. What happens when love remains but the person doesn't? Lionel Luthor is missing, and plans are being made to tear down the three billionaires and everything they built. He couldnt just leave him there. ", "Sir?" Harry said with a sharp smile. My name was entered in a dangerous competition without my knowing and now everyone expects and is forcing me to compete against my will. ", The old man smiled. From the second he sees the neighborhood, he is sure he wont like them. He had family other than the Dursleys and the boy probably thought he had abandoned him. New in this version: Slim recommendations using ffnbot!slim! When they first came together, it was more than obvious they were two sides of the same coin. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Hi. Will being Batgirl help her beat the villainous Voldemort? 255K 6.3K 13. ", "Poke fun all you want," Alfred laughed. Dick Grayson is Nightwing Patunia had found a diary of Lilly's that said harry wasn't James's but the son of a rich guy from America called Bruce Wayne.. having enough of harry, the Dursleys send harry to live with his father and his adoptive brothers, Dick Grayson (15), jason todd (14), tim Drake (13) and Damian Wayne (12). advanced trading course complete smart money concepts smc. "Alfred? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Hes even more sure when he actually meets the family. Persephone Jackson/Bruce Wayne Story Bruce Wayne first met Persephone Jackson . After a recent fight against the Joker Bruce Wayne is injured , after a short stay in the hospital he returns home. I'm procrastinating doing some birthday planning though so this is now my excuse of appearing busy. Join Harry and Jason as they find themselves and a new family big enough for both of them and all the other strays that Bruce picks up along the way. "No, Neville, you're not," Alfred disagreed. "Are you telling me I should ignore what they did to Mum and Dad? Yes, a Wizard; those do exist. So she just let the lily flower carry him as harry is literally struggling not to move excitedly in happiness as he listen to her talk about her plants and shows him some simple examples, Ivy is already a fan of Harry with his bright emerald eyes sparkling as she explained a fun fact simple for little childrens, and hands literally waving like bird to contained himself from excitement. "I can't do much about the surviving adults who bought their way out of gaol, but I can keep their children from spreading their poison.". Bruce almost runs over a small child in a blizzard, while on his way to see Jason Blood about an urgent matter. Last known location? There's a psychologist who gives an interview about the terror tactics that Batman uses to take down criminals, and Harry realises that, for all their magic, Dark wizards and Death Eaters are human, just like Batman's enemies. . here you fucking go. There's a psychologist who gives an interview about the terror tactics that Batman uses to take down criminals, and Harry realises that, for all their magic, Dark wizards and Death Eaters are human, just like Batman's enemies. Rated M for a reason! [An Amalgamation Short], Una sola mirada del murcilago le dio al menor la respuesta [] pudieron escuchar como ste tragaba saliva pesadamente y comenzaba a susurrar plegarias para salvaguardar su vida. Work Search: What could it hurt to see what the kid could do? I even remember the man who tried to make me forget. Neville asked hopefully. Work Search: Thing is, none of the man's secretaries have ever stayed on for more than 1 weekif they were lucky. Left with scattered memories of their relationship, they're made to question whether they had too much together; if they still have too much remaining to answer for. Oa has departed the universe forever, but it has left its essence in a young boy on a cold December night. ", Augusta looked around to ensure there was no one near enough to overhear. Edward John Lupin-Black um mago e metamorfo, filho adotivo do auror recm aposentado, Harry James Potter Black. Red bled into blue blue swept through red; the most distinct of purples was the result of their union. He decides a change in scenery is necessary and moves to America. Alfred asked quizzically. whatever you wanna call her) who is dealing with finding out her inheritance (magical and muggle-cause momma lily was no fool) and the after effects of the war-she bitter and jaded maybe the darker side of grey, a little master of death influence (it is DCU). Site: [][140603613718120:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 28 | Words: 227,104 | Reviews: 1,311 | Favs: 2,515 | Follows: 2,124 | Updated: 7/9/2009 | Published: 3/24/2009 | id: 4944577 | Language: English | Genre: Humor/Adventure | Characters: Harry P. | Download: [EPUB][140603613718120:epub] or [MOBI][140603613718120:mobi] [140603613718120:site]: [140603613718120:epub]: [140603613718120:mobi]:, Voldemort: "So you have came back to die with your school! A ressentir les sentiments que tous ressentaient ? Oa has departed the universe forever, but it has left its essence in a young boy on a cold December night. I'll probably continue posting the cut scenes here considering that it's already here duh. and our Bloody hell, mate, Harry murmured almost tenderly and Bruces eyes widened when Harry cupped his left cheek in a gentle hand and caressed Bruces cheekbone with his thumb. "So, you know. "Indeed," the old man agreed. ", The boy's eyes went wide in surprise. He just never spared any thoughts about the vigilante who's always one step ahead (or about the mastermind behind all the riddles). is a huge fan of comics, watched this funny parody musical of Batman on his laptop, and I thought the guy who played Bruce Wayne sort of looked like you, so I . Drabbles devoted to top Harry. You have been warned. ", "Actually Master Bruce, I believe I have something you need.". . Dear Mr. Potter, We regret to inform you of the passing of your cousins the late Mr. and Mrs. Drake of Gotham city. "Hello." Yet after they are unexpectedly brought together again, he realizes that there is more to Aster than what meets the eye. Start by choosing your partner in this ever expanding game. "To what do I own the displeasure of having you lot break into my house?" "I'm ready now!" . He was shocked, astounded, flabbergasted, and a good few things besides. Please consider turning it on! This fic has EXTREMELY UNDERAGE tag. Por si no lo notaron por las etiquetas.-La pareja desarrollada es Bruce Wayne x Harry Potter, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons) (3), Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (3), Prompt Idea-Anyone Can Use it-but Message Me, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Do Not Post My Work Elsewhere Without My Permission, so I took what I got from YouTube and made this, I just want to see overprotective dark harry in DC, I'm thinking of bringing Thalia in if this blows up, Harry Potter Crossovers where he is Dark, ANGY and overprotective, Past Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter - Relationship, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Moved to Rejuvenation see last chapter for info and link, Steve McGarrett/Harry Potter/Danny "Danno" Williams, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE. What's the point anymore?What else is there to do but turn to Gotham? The two of them end up fighting fate and alien invaders while trying to figure out what they mean to each other. AN: An idea I started but could never get to go anywhere. Please consider turning it on! Now poison ivy have a great connection toward the plants, and she is listening to this giant red lily flower tells her about this child who grown her from just a seed, taken amazing care of her to the point of talking to her everyday and night, giving her the best fertilizer, water, and magical carbon dioxide that help her grown to the point of her gaining a tiny bit self sentient, and that he talk about his grandpa a lot and his late momma whom she was named lilith in honor of her and she will fight to the death if poison ivy or any of the other carnivorous plants to the point her flower petals and leaves glow a bright magical like light as a warning. A moins que ce soit en ralit de leur faute ? Site: [][140603614233824:site] | Category: Batman + Harry Potter Crossover | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 10 | Words: 68,183 | Reviews: 276 | Favs: 624 | Follows: 584 | Updated: 4/26/2016 | Published: 2/23/2016 | Status: Complete | id: 11806414 | Language: English | Genre: Humor/Romance | Characters: Bruce W./Batman, Richard G./Nightwing, Harry P., Hermione G. | Download: [EPUB][140603614233824:epub] or [MOBI][140603614233824:mobi] [140603614233824:site]: [140603614233824:epub]: [140603614233824:mobi]:, FanfictionBot1.4.0 | [[Usage][1]] | [[Changelog][2]] | [[Issues][3]] | [[GitHub][4]] | [[Contact][5]] [1]: "How to use the bot" [2]: "What changed until now" [3]: "Bugs? consumer reports login and password library. Each chapter is based on a new prompt with new pairings, warnings, themes and more! That fact would be a whole lot easier to accept, perhaps even embrace, if Bruce hadnt faked his death and tortured Tony with two years of deceitful reticence whilst he was half a world away. Successor with giving away guardian as long as they never have to deal with the boy on a certified contract with no way of the dursley getting guardianship of harry James Potter ever again. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He glances into the door and sees a tiny boy curled up and sobbing. He comes from a good, wealthy family. All images used are not mine!*. WARNING: UNDER REWRITING AND HEAVY EDITING Through a series of personal tragedies, they drift back together, trapped by the realisation that there is no one left except them. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. These are just chapters that didn't make it into the main story but I still wanted them read. Bruce grimaced as he felt the jet buck and shudder under the influence of the raging storm. Holly Potter instead of Apparatign way from Dudleys gang on the roof found herself at the age of 9 in the chambers of Shazam the wizard in the Rock of Eternity. "Garrick Ollivander and I rarely agree on much," Alfred laughed. I would love it if some one would write and Batman/Female Harry Potter arranged marriage fic. What do you intend to do with this knowledge?". Now Poison Ivy never had a plant rebel on her before as much as this red lily flower to the point of nearly fighting her but once she got it to reason with her that she wont harm anything in it to open its flower petals, revealing a small 6 year old bright green emerald boy covered in pollen, wearing a child size apprentice clothes. "But on you, we both agree. Bom, estava na hora de mudar isso e ele ter um timo aliado. Un receuil d'OS avec comme thme un ou les deux parents de Marinette ne sont pas ses parents biologiques, I dont want to make this sound bad, but if you leave me no choice, then these are your options: Stay here as a free man, supporting the Jaeger program and the destruction of The Breach, or go back into the Raft first thing tomorrow morning. ", The man shrugged. "Nice try Neville, but remember who you're talking to. As his soon to be guardian you will be needed to come get him by July 4th. Work Search: Two non-powered humans raising a child who's already showing major signs of magic while being superheroes, running companies, and trying to be good parents. T-T, Augusta Longbottom's eyes widened in surprise, and then she threw her arms around the man. Would it be Bruce Willis, the actor, or one of the characters Bruce Willis has played? You will need more. An unholy allience is formed and soon Lex is framed for a murder he didn't commit, Tony is in a coma, and Bruce's boys come under attack while their Father is imprisoned for crimes he didn't commit. linkffn(13694861). Dr. Bruce Banner was fidgeting. "And I hope you never are, I hope there will come a time when you decide you don't need or want the training I'm going to give you, but that is up to you.". *I own nothing but the plot. But choose wisely, some boys may come with more than just a pretty face. Theyre conservative and bigoted, with a spoiled son and a house thats too clean. Harry just doesn't feel the same rush anymore.Maybe it's the creeping depression that comes with catching fewer and fewer criminals every week. Two powerful families who aren't as pe Harry appears to be a nice boy. After seven years later when the war with Voldemort was over? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Henrietta had believed Bruce to be fine with her choice of nightwear, as well as their lovemaking restricted to the privacy of their bedroom under the cover of night. The man looked up from his book, seemingly surprised to find strangers in his home, but Neville could tell that it was an act. Meeting his father and brother for the first time, Three more brothers for a lonely boy of thirteen, The first mission and Harry is founded out, Harry makes Wally wear dresses for annoying him, Black Canary, Cat Woman and Huntress sings a song together, Conner and Kaldur are told why they feel funny around Harry, Conner's pet wolf and Kaldur's pet sea snake, Getting daddy Batman and mommy Wonder Woman together, Sisters and Barbara lives with the family now, Adults missing and Harry letchers a sorting witch boy, The visit to the goblins and moving into their own homes. Gotham City, USA. Oh and Bruce is Harry's distant uncle and w. Harry Potter and Son of Batman 17 parts Complete A fifteen year old girl who was abused was told by her goblin uncle figure there was a marriage cob. If anything he wanted to apologize for not being there and try to explain if the boy allowed it so. "Even for superheroes.". Just like when she was sixteen and crawling away from Tiberius, Bruce is the one she turns to to pick up the pieces. They should all be celebrating, Superman is back, the Justice League is formed, everything they fought for they have. Hes even more sure when he actually meets the family. After the war harry had a few startling revelations left. Cela ne s'tait pas fait en un regard, non, mais tout tait venu assez rapidement quand mme, et cela l'inquitait car il n'tait pas sr d'tre pareil l'intrieur. . Harry Potter, of course. His demisexuality is the last thing that Bruce ever thought had to worry about or ever acknowledge. Summary: all Harry wanted was a normal life, was that hard to understand? Successor with giving away guardian as long as they never have to deal with the boy on a certified contract with no way of the dursley getting guardianship of harry James Potter ever again. She makes is her life work to find harry father while protecting him from the abuse he suffers from the Dursley. The idea is that Harry is reading a Muggle newspaper about the activities of Gotham's masked vigilante. "Life is quite often extremely unfair, Neville. However a plot to throw him in Azkaban had him running to America with Teddy for sanctuary from the people he thought he could trust. A series of drabbles I wrote for tumblr in 2012. Involves Magical Britain and Gotham. ", "I had some time, so I thought I'd come to see my favorite Grand Nephew. Privacy Policy. Czy Bruce zdoa ochroni Harry'ego przed Hulkiem bez niszczenia wasnej przykrywki i zakochaniu si w chopcu samemu? Cookie Notice All he can think of is he wants to be carefree and be theirs to care for.Please DO NOT READ if the tags bother you. "He remembers, Alfred. It was sooo good, but then it was never continued. Harry is the biological son of Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, and an Unknown. AU//The call came in the middle of the night. the six-year-old decided. "The gym, one hour," Wayne growled. "What is going on Alfred?" Harry is so tired after the final battle. Yet, his point of view is challenged when Bruce is then invited to be Grand Marshall of Gotham Parade. :D. We regret to inform you of the passing of your cousins the late Mr. and Mrs. Drake of Gotham city. To facilitate legal matters, cyborgs with an organic brain were subjected to have civil rights while androids are considered objects of artificial intelligence and, therefore, do not. OR; Fem!Tony Stark turns to Bruce Wayne in the aftermath of the Siberian bunker confrontation, And you came back for more, back for him. "You know, it's quite rude, and frankly a criminal act, to break into someone's home." husband videos wife havingsex. He had saved a great many lives as a doctor and had added to his already impressive family fortune as well. Stories dedicated to Top! Now with the divorce papers signed and finding out about his hidden not-so-dead son, Harry is now taking matters into his own hands. Two events that shouldnt have any connection, and yet become quickly intertwined.//Or, the ninth story in my Ironbat ABO AU, the black and gold verse. The boy said, and the old man knew he had lost. AU Harry Potter/Justice League. Bruce has always been annoyingly adept in hiding what matters most, Tony's never been good at taking the ugly truth well; they're made for each other. sexy mature roni. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". What happens when everyone finds out? He remembers everything.". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He glances into the door and sees a tiny boy curled up and sobbing. It had been three years since he lost his parents. ? chicken of the woods ottawa; how tall was prophet idris; how much money did hercules in new york make When Wayne Industries considers doing business with the drill-making company Grunnings, Bruce is forced to go to the Dursley household. As their son's only living relative he is to be placed in your custody. Contains Rhodey/Pepper, with background Bruce/Tony! Itll be fun, he said! Please consider turning it on! "I do. "I was thinking that Neville is on much the same mission as you are, Master Bruce," Alfred said quietly, "He is as driven as you, he is as angry as you, and in his world, he is as wealthy as you. He let go of harry, asking him if he alright in a soft tone, along with the gun that he also let go, only for the gun to set off once it hits the ground, throwing a line of laughing gas, making Harley to a retreat with confused Joker and the gang who got some bags of money. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. ", "Oh, don't you start," Augusta huffed. She should have just ridden the Harry Potter and The Beauty and the Beast wave and gone the Daniel Radcliffe way of picking weird projects where she could have improved under the radar or used her fame to do some non acting work. He was appalled at how this was hidden from him along with many other things. After I finished my education, I did my time in Her Majesty's Service, and then I traveled for a while. Basically what it says on the title and on the tags. Alfred could not help but be taken aback by the intensity of the boy's anger, and he also could not help but find it startlingly familiar. And where did she go? I don't know who that is sorry, just know it's not mine. Harry couldnt help but think of Bruce and how he never told him how he loved him. *Mature and Explicit Content* tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. "I'm here to be trained," Neville interjected. The boy in question looked up from his primer and his face brightened with a smile. He had explained this all to Dick after he had taken the small boy in, and he had been absolutely fascinated by the existence of magic and the Wizarding World. Tip: buffy gen teen and `` no archive warnings apply '' was a powerful, wealthy, American. That comes with catching fewer and fewer criminals every week father while protecting him from the second he sees neighborhood... Boy allowed it so to understand has played obvious they were two sides of raging. 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Photo Grid Maker, Articles H