The wife and mother, Eva (Tilda Swinton), has been so overwhelmed by despair that her life exists in her mind all at the same time. A young MAN and WOMAN are asleep in a tent. Her husband Franklin (John C. Reilly) dismisses her concerns and uproots their bustling city life for a quiet home in the suburbs. There is no pattern. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. The brooding tone of the narrative prepares the audience for a devastating ending, but in hindsight, some of you may have seen it coming. For much of the film, she lives with her husband, son and daughter in an expensive suburban home, and when we realize they've lived there for several years, we begin to wonder, how can four people occupy a home for over a decade and not accumulate anything? Annie Graham in Hereditary is conflicted by feelings of love and hate, resentment and remorse, towards her son. I bring what is actually happening and the severity of what's actually happening to level out, I guess, this part of the movie, because on the other side, you got Kang and Janet are being very, very serious too on that side of things. Three days before his 16th birthday, Kevin Khatchadourian (Ezra Miller) kills several students, a teacher and a cafeteria worker in his high school gymnasium. Hes a friendly and vibrant young priest and a gifted preacher. In any other movie, that would be child abuse. Kevin and Eva look similar, and in many scenes, Kevin and Eva wear similar clothes. Kevin keeps the secret of how this happens and a strange complicity develops between the mother and son. He's aware of her feelings toward him, and throughout the film, points them out. American release: January 27, 2012. and our Is Kevin a sociopath or a psychopath, then? Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. There are two really great examples of this: the first is the bow. He seems to recognize that he has some advantage over her. So, I think TV being as fast paced as it is, and as kind of chaotic as it can be, it doesn't always set you up for being able to walk into a film where you've had plenty of time to look into everything and prepare. As a portrait of a deteriorating state of mind, "We Need to Talk About Kevin" is a masterful film. The red paint of vandals stains her car and the front of her house. for disturbing violence and behavior, some sexuality and language, Berlinale 2023 Highlights, Part Two: Reality, Manodrome, The Adults, Inside, Golda, Angela Bassett, Jamie Lee Curtis, Brendan Fraser, Cate Blanchett, Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson Feted at SBIFF 2023, Revisiting Martin Scorsese's Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Tragically Common: Jamie Dack, Lily McInerny and Jonathan Tucker on Palm Trees and Power Lines. Kevin is a story of hope for a new millennium, an Its a Wonderful Life in the age of school shootings and planes crashing into buildings a world-weary world that has been bombarded by nihilistic themes in their narratives for the better part of a century. It is a world where any attempts to offer a message of mercy, conversion and redemption must be done deftly and authentically, because at the end of the day, sometimes the community won't rally around you and more often than not Mr. Potter carries the day. We see it in her bond with the more amiable Celia. Outward appearances of mother and son match their steely interiority as neither suffers fools gladly and both abhor artifice and sentimentality. Don't get in arguments with people here, or start long discussions. This is also true of Eva, but we see the conflict in her about her son's mental state. Eva goes into postpartum depression, and her menacing and antisocial kid Kevin only aggravates her ailment. ET. Jake Martin, visit our special Oscars season blog, Movie Minister. Plus, she also touches on a potentially big deleted scene that would've seen her cross paths with Krylar (Bill Murray) and teases possible beef with Janet van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer). Will she continue living in their hometown, where she's harassed by locals who blame her for the deaths? Helmed by Scottish filmmaker Lynne Ramsay based on the Orange Prize-winning eponymous 2003 novel by Lionel Shriver, We Need to Talk About Kevin is a jarring, erratic, and sometimes profoundly disturbing 2011 psychological thriller that creates an uncanny place in the viewers mind. Fun Fact: Ezra Miller is not a great person, Did not expect Steve Brule to be Kevin's father, can't help thinking how twisted but how well so much of this film would work with a laugh track [2]. it's difficult to accept why Eva keeps visiting her son in jail, at one point even asking why he did it. When asked about the film adaptation in an interview with The Guardian, Shriver said her biggest concern was if they'd be able to "capture the quality of the slightly unreliable narrator and the ambiguity over who is to blame. All of the performances are secondary to an urgently compelling narrative that is both agonizing to witness and impossible to look away from. Contact | ; Black Lightning) played this powerful new character, who has been engaged in this ongoing struggleagainst Kang (Jonathan Majors) for far longer than most and has paid an incomparableprice while trying to liberate her people from his rule. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, we have officially entered the dead of winter that time after Christmas and New Years when, Earlier this year my home parish welcomed a new associate pastor. We Need To Talk About Kevin - Behind the Scenes - Tilda Swinton Movie (2011) HD - YouTube 0:00 / 2:18 We Need To Talk About Kevin - Behind the Scenes - Tilda Swinton Movie. "We Need to Talk About Kevin" is a movie adaptation of Lionel Shriver's novel with the same title. Index | See production, box office & company info. Trademark | Now, mommy wakes up every morning and wishes she was in France! Advertise, Funny Superhero (DC & Marvel) Shirts & Stickers. This is the fear of parenthood. We Need to Talk About Kevin. How would I behave if basically the weight of a literal realm was on my shoulders? This review of the film was originally published on December 22, 2011. It must be something like this to have a nervous breakdown. When Eva gets pregnant for the second time, Kevin feels that he has become estranged from the family and grows jealous. Going on, she again asks the question of responsibility and says, "I don't know. The sci-fi adventure opens in theaters on Feb. 17, 2023. Kevin examines both our darkest moments and those slivers of Grace that sustain us. For instance, the ball game Eva plays with a toddler Kevin: when Kevin successfully rolls the ball back to her, her praise is strained and brittle. Twice in flashbacks to Kevin's parents in their dating days, a UPS terminal with trucks can be seen in the near background. When the child Kevin is sick and nuzzles close to his mother as she reads, his father comes to the door and is rejected in favor of his mother, the look on Evas face is one of wonder and delight. Kevin eats the lychee with a degree of grossness, and when his mother says that he never liked lychee as a fruit, Kevin has to say that it is an acquired taste. The shelves and tabletops are as barren as those in a display home. She obviously feels complicit and takes on the role of communal scapegoat as a way to expiate her own guilt as well as to grieve the loss of her family. Is it possible for her to move on from something so traumatic? The bed, the gown, and the walls bleed into each other in their cold whiteness, externalising her inner state of mind. This is the scene where the film begins and the ending comes full circle revisiting the moment of rupture in Evas life. The film shifts almost all of its attention to the mother of the disturbed Kevin, Eva (Swinton). Starring: Tilda Swinton,John C. Reilly,Ezra Miller Watch all you want. We see it perfectly after he blinds Celia - Eva attempts to confront him about what he's done, and he sits chewing a water chestnut to impress the image of plucking out an eye on Eva, just to watch the horror on her face. What is lupus, an autoimmune disease diagnosed in Selena Gomez causing her weight gain? But Eva is incapable of showing him the love that he deserves, even after trying her best. Maternal ambivalence turns into filial antagonism, colouring her perception of him as inherently evil. Does their parental neglect make them culpable for the lives he took? The most cynical, nihilistic, misanthropic films ever made. Alienated from friends and community, all she has left is her son. But by the time he is a seven year-old, he starts to act in ways that seem in excess of whatever defects in mother love he may be getting. For instance, post-partum depression similar to hers is very common and probably didn't do as much damage as she ascribes to it. The film moves without any pattern between past, present and who knows when. When the teenage Kevin surprisingly assents to a mother/son date, Eva is hopeful for the opportunity to cultivate a deeper relationship. ROHAN: You're on a cast with Paul Rudd, David Dastmalchian,William Jackson Harper, and so manyfunny people. Or did Kevin turned this way because she messed him up from the very birth. An early scene shows Eva apparently participating in an orgy in a lake of blood. Kevin does things to Eva in this movie that are so cruel that an evil demon seems to be regarding her from his eyes. The truth to motherhood is a harsh one. For mothers always seem to be on trial. Some interpreted scene at the gym as her being repulsed by pregnant bodies, but I am thinking she was like "why can't I be happy and bubbly with this child like they are?" Yet it is in those infrequent instances of relief, conversion and mercy that the film finds its identity and direction. Shortly after, Eva goes back to the house. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg's response to Donald Trump's refusal to accept any responsibility for the impact his massive deregulations have had went viral on Thursday as video of him encouraging the ex-president to support the Biden administration's efforts went viral. this is the best pro-antinatalism PSA out there . It's very hard for me to take things seriously, I love to crack jokes and everything, and, I mean, they're so funny off-set, even the guy that played Xolum, James Cutler, he's so funny, and he's just screaming random stuff, when you're trying to be serious, and just all of a sudden, this yell comes out of nowhere, and you're trying to just keep a straight face. I got to try some fight choreo, but all in all, yeah, it helped me prepare, I will say I was much more excited to be a good guy instead of a lame, side character, bad guy. By. As a baby and toddler, he is merely colicky, irritating and would try the patience of a saint. The camera zooms in, but the scene cuts just before we can get a peek on what's on the other side of it. It was a really short moment, and then yeah, I would have loved to have had some interaction with Janet, but that wasn't even in there. Only with her because his father was at work whole day and saw his son for like an hour a day. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Eva is entirely bound by the expectations of a culture that fetishizes the mommy and insists upon a particular quality and dynamic in order for relationships to be healthy and normative. It is so ingrained in our culture even a fellow grieving mother slaps her in the parking lot. Between the ages of 6 and 8 years old, played by Jasper Newell, he is a clever little monster who glares at Eva hurtfully, soils his pants deliberately and drives her into such a fury that she breaks his arm. In We Need to Talk about Kevin, Eva is literally on trial for parental negligence. Or to put it differently, Ramsay more or less stays true to the novel's somewhat callow and, at times, hysterical approach to the rich questions of maternal doubt. Kevin relentlessly cries in the custody of Eva, but Franklin seems to know how to stop him. With Franklin there is no conflict. Starring Tilda Swinton, John C. Reilly We see her birthing of him as rather fraught and his incessant crying drives her nearly mad. Genres: Psychological Drama, Family Drama. Kids banging on the door on Halloween in the present evokes a memory of young Kevin throwing all his food at the fridge. Read More: Best Movies About Mental Illness. She makes one feel her strung to the breaking point tension in scene after scene. We Need to Talk about Kevin in fact needs to be talked about, as what it is attempting to do by marrying the darkest, most nihilistic components of contemporary cinema with a redemptive message is groundbreaking. At first glance, it would seem that Kevin is yet another installment in the pantheon of post-modern films intent upon assaulting the human desire to give meaning to the world. You tell me." When Eva dips her whole face in a basin of water, her face turns into Kevin's. Kevin was not necessarily abused or tortured as a child, many kids endure much worse and did not end up as mass killers. However, just the neglect of his mother would not amount to the cathartic finale. Footsteps approach the tent and a figure walks past. Eva apparently thought her early life was on the right track and tells her screaming baby boy she would frankly rather be back in Paris than changing his diaper. Though unlike the Shakespearean character, the question of Evas guilt has a lot less cut-and-dried answer. Kevins clothes are also an avenue to memories for Eva, and in the end, Eva irons and stacks up Kevins clothes in a drawer in the hope that her son will return from prison. Swinton is excellent as Eva, the reluctant mother tormented by her psychopathic son, and director Lynne Ramsay handles the disjointed time structure well, but that's about all I can commend about it. On one prison visit, he describes her throwing him at a wall and breaking his arm as "the most honest thing you ever did.". Selena Gomez recently opened up on how the autoimmune condition is affecting her weight due to water retention from all the medication in her recent Tik-Tok live stream. BBC Films The real monster is expecting nothing less than unconditional love. But it also doesn't set out to wag a moral finger or make any grand, sweeping statements. Kevin poops in his pants, and thinking this act to be deliberate, Eva throws him to the ground, breaking his arm. So, I think it'd be really cool to explore that either in future Quantum Realm stuff or if somehow I got sucked out into the surface world or something, any of that would be fun. We Need to Talk About Kevin 2011 | Maturity rating: 15 | 1h 52m | Independent Films When her 15-year-old son's cruel streak erupts into violence, his mother wonders how much blame she deserves for his actions. Eva's elation is reflected in the room's warm yellows and flowers on the bedside table. Like a fluke, nothing to do with her personality or her hubby's personality? Art and Divine Beauty: An Antidote to the Winter Blues, The Prodigal Son: How to Overcome the 3 Lies We Tell Ourselves. While Eva is growing increasingly distrustful of Kevin, Franklin sides with his son and their marriage takes a hit. Eva and Franklin never seek psychiatric help for their son; they can't talk about Kevin without fighting. We're supposed to understand Kevin through Eva's flashbacks, which are indeed confusing, but not chronologically, where the difference lies solely in Tilda Swinton's hairstyle. Indeed, Kevin is a relentless film that gives its audience few opportunities to come up for air from the depths of anguish to which it plummets. What if she knew while being pregnant that she is about to give birth to a monster? Still, the film should not be overshadowed by its leads performance, as is often the case with female Oscar nominees. Kevin is neither rational nor articulate enough to identify his desire, that is, to have an authentic and fully realized relationship with his mother. Eva repeatedly tries and fails to create a bond with her son according to traditional societal expectations. I'd be happy to see what they come up with, but, they have more of the understanding of the wildness of the world that they're building. All the community rules apply here. She is less interested in the nature vs nurture debate, more in the crippling weight of societal expectations of motherhood. The real horror in the movie is society's dogmatic conception of motherhood, and the pressure to live up to it. Like Jentorra kind of was the reason that her society collapsed in a way, in the comic books. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Any spoilers should be placed in spoiler tags as such. So, what did that exchange mean for the Khatchadourians? Kevin's mother struggles to love her strange child, despite the increasingly dangerous things he says and does as he grows up. Is her husband as zoned out as he seems or is that only her perception? The film primarily shows you the pathos of evil by painting a portrait of a deeply and violently disturbed young man from his mother's point of view, and you watch how this relationship built and how that pathos developed. Kevin's killings, meanwhile, are the absent, invisible center of Ramsay's film. Sometimes Zuzus petals are all you have to hold onto. 1 'Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum' (2018) Image via Showbox. Their tumultuous relationship goes from annoyance over his smashing jammy bread onto the coffee table to feelings of fear after he stuffs the family pet down the garbage disposal. Kevin gets taught about sex from his mother but he already knows what it is and calls it "fucking". The film follows the relationship between a mother and son, Eva (Tilda Swinton) and Kevin (played as a teenager by Ezra Miller and as a child by Jasper Newell) through a pastiche of sequences spanning the course of Kevins first eighteen years. Directed by Peyton Reed and produced by Kevin Feige, p.g.a. Read on for our full interview with Katy O'Brianand please remember to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for exclusive content! Eva Khatchadourian (Tilda Swinton), a former travel writer, gives up her life of adventure when she becomes pregnant. The film ends with the emotionally blank mother visiting her son on the second anniversary of his crimes, just before he's transferred to an adult prison. And it works - Eva's confrontation was brutally dishonest, but after his reaction she's barely containing her seething rage and the truth of it is all over her face. Kevin grows a liking for the fictional character of Robin Hood, and his father gifts him a bow and arrow. Ironically he becomes a miniature doppelganger of her, all sharp angles and androgynous countenance lying in direct contrast to the lovably rounded and craggy features of his father. The most plausible answer is that Kevin killed the family to hurt his mother. Site Map | and Stephen Broussard, p.g.a., Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania also stars Jonathan Majors as Kang, David Dastmalchian as Veb, Katy O'Brian as Jentorra, William Jackson Harper as Quaz and Bill Murray as Lord Krylar. Left to pick up the pieces is his mother, Eva (Tilda Swinton). We Need to Talk About Kevin Jump to Edit Summaries Kevin's mother struggles to love her strange child, despite the increasingly dangerous things he says and does as he grows up. The film opens to the sounds of sprinklers tch-tch-ing, before the first shot reveals a half-open patio door whose curtains are wafting with the wind. When Kevin paints Evas room with color splashes, Eva thinks that Kevin wanted to ruin the room, but maybe he really wanted to make it more special. A suspenseful and gripping psychological thriller, WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN explores the relationship between a mother and her evil son. We Need to Talk About Kevin is already playing in NYC; it opens today in LA, Chicago, Houston and Phoenix and is rolling out nationwide. The moments of Grace are, as they should be, not in moments like the dinner scene but in the unexpected. Privacy Policy. Kevin is a defiant baby who screams incessantly but never around Franklin. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Her public perception is unlikely to change, but Eva appears firm in her choice to stick around for Kevin's sake. The non-linear approach makes the somewhat inevitable events more powerful and though Miller is effective as Kevin, younger actor Newell actually impressed me even more. But we can safely assume that Kevin did not literally eat the eyeball. About 5 uses of "fuck" (once used sexually by a 7-year-old child), one use of "cunt". He completely denies the reality of Kevin's personality and identity, and thus any agency over their relationship. Her emotional state doesnt change even when Kevin is born. Rated R None of that takes anything away from yet another deeply felt performance by the always-interesting Swinton. Go do something. So to sum up, Eva systematically deprived Kevin of maternal love, then trained him to accept disgust and fear in its place. Best Little Sites is not liable for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions found herein. Neither parent punishes him or seeks outside help, leaving him to his own devices. She frames Eva's discomfort against overjoyed mothers showing off their baby bumps in a pre-natal yoga class. Eva can only play at being mommy, and so when Kevin refuses her attempts to breastfeed and is only appeased by the presence of his affable father, played by John C. Reilly, her whole world crashes down around her and her value as a person comes into question. Also, stripes are a striking feature that connects Kevins clothing sense from childhood to adolescence. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As he grows up, we see him in a blue t-shirt, and consecutively, in a bland white one. KATY: Oh, I'd love to come back. Alec Baldwin has been charged in the southwest state of New Mexico for manslaughter and faces an 18-month prison sentence, as does the film's armourer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. to revoke its approval of the two main drugs used for medication abortion in the United States. Powered by VIP. At one point, she mockingly coos at him, "Mommy was happy before little Kevin came along. Not sure I get the fuss about this one. It is good to be more sensitive to the plights of children in general. The movie we see is her collecting every horrible interaction she ever had with her son and putting it under the umbrella of "things I did," because the only way she can cope with the insanity of what her son did is by fitting it to a narrative where she's responsible. And so is Eva. His attitude towards his son is warmer, but underneath there's no more depth than there is with Eva. Kevin was not necessarily abused or tortured as a portrait of a saint their marriage takes a.... Again asks the question of Evas guilt has a lot less cut-and-dried answer resentment and remorse, towards her.! Much worse and did not end up as mass killers complicity develops between the mother and son bumps! The Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013 fictional character of Robin Hood, thus! Of its attention to the ground, breaking his arm a lake of blood DC! 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